Fortis Academy 4th grade: Sept 6 - 10, 2021

4th Grade Week 59/6/20219/7/20219/8/20219/9/20219/10/2021
Labor Day - No School
BibleRead & Discuss Gen 44-45Gen 46:1-7, Gen 47:6-11
MathWork on multiplication facts this week for warm-up  Ch 3 L5 TB p72-75, WB p60-62Ch 3 L6 Practice TB p76-78Ch 3 Review and Quiz & Multiplication practiceCh 4 L1 Multiplication TB p80-83, WB p67-68
SpellingReview previous spelling words and phonograms: sh, th, oo, ee, oy, oi, ch, ow, ou, ay, ai, ea, or, uiStep 4 Review & Phonogram ReviewContinue to review words and rules through step 3, checking for mastery. Review 26 Single Phonograms in preparation for assessment Friday.Administer the Classical Phonics Assessment Tracker Assessment 1 (In binder) Grade in red pen, have student make corrections, then return to class to record grade.
GrammarCh 4, L1 Classify sentences & TM p50-54. Do Ch4, L1 PracticeCh 4, L2 Finding Adjectives, Predicate words in the Complete Subject and Write Practice SentencesCh 4, L3 Classify sentences & Write an Expanded Practice Sentence (TM p64 Steps 1-8)
WritingReview vocab words (inspire, trumpet, gnaw, beasts, tossed, slender, quietly, immediately) for Wed quizVocab Quiz & Work on Civil War Lapbooks
ReadingPut The Perilous Road and your final The Good Master activity in your backpack for tomorrowShare activities & Introduce The Perilous RoadRead The Perilous Road Ch 1 & 2 and answer questions 1-7 in journal p4-5
LatinL 4
HistoryComplete your report on a Civil War figure and practice presenting it. You will be sharing your findings with the class tomorrow.Share Civil War heroes with class & Harriet Tubman & the Underground RailroadRead SOTW p53-56 "After the Civil War"
GeographySouthern Europe
ScienceRead p152-154 and describe Incomplete Metamorphosis in your journal p126, Review memory work for test tomorrowInsect Anatomy & Classification of Life TestContinue to collect, pin and identify insects for your collection. See resources below
Memory WorkPOEM 1, Due for Recitation on 9/28
GEOGRAPHY: Southern Europe Test on 10/14
KEY DATES: 1-3 Test on 9/30
SCIENCE: Insect anatomy, classification of life Test on 9/9
Coming Soon!
Tuesday, September 7 - Labor Day Holiday NO SCHOOL
Thursday, September 9 - Spirit Day -  Students may wear Spirit shirts with jeans or shorts
Tuesday, September 21 - Picture Day
Saturday, Sept 25 - Fortis Lap-A-Thon

Blog Abbreviations:
KWO-Key Word Outline
NB-Science Notebook
TB- Textbook 
RD- Rough Draft
SOTW-Story of the World Vol 4
WB- Workbook
FD- Final Draft
CCC-Complete, check, correct
Grammar- Shurley English
NT- New Teaching
MM- Mental Math
TM - Teacher's Manual 
DS - Dictate Sentences
FP-Facts Practice Sheet
CB- Latin Copybook

Objective:  Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.
Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading. This week, we continue looking at the life of Joseph.
Our Character Virtue of the month is Justice.

Begin math with a 5 minute warm-up of Multiplication facts. Strive to memorize multiplication facts ASAP.
1. Practice finding multiples and factors.
2. Assessment
3. Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a one-digit number using mental math.

4. Memorize multiplication facts 1-10

Please administer the Classical Phonics Assessment (in binder) this week and return to school the following Tuesday.  You only need to do Assessment 1 (Single Letter Phonograms) at this point. Here are instructions for administering the assessment.
Phonogram Drill Form (written portion) - Parents, read the sound or sounds on the card. Or if you prefer, you can play the sound on the AAS app.  Your student should then write the corresponding phonogram in the box. Mark any your child missed.
Classical Phonics Assessment Tracker (oral portion) - Show the card to the student. He or she should be able to correctly identify all the sounds associated with that card. Please note any phonograms your child missed on the form.
Review each chapter's vocabulary prior to reading.



1. Assess vocabulary words.

2. Write a paragraph from a prompt

1. Identify predicate words located in the complete subject.
2. Practice writing sentences containing a subject noun, verb, adjectives and adverbs.

Objective: Learn Latin 1st Conjugation Verbs


1.  Present findings of a Civil War hero to classmates.
2.  Learn about life in America during the Civil War. 

Note: If your student would like more information on pinning and labeling insects, here are a couple YouTube videos:
Here is a comprehensive booklet about Texas insects that you can print or use for reference and insect identification:
Here's a website to help with identification:

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry:  Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard".  Additional copies here.
Geography:  We will continue to study Southern Europe The song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map. A word bank is provided. Science: Classification of Life: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species