Fortis Academy 4th grade: Sept. 27 - Oct 1, 2021

4th Grade Week 89/27/20219/28/20219/29/20219/30/202110/1/2021
DiscipleshipJUSTICE: "Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and please the widow's cause,” (Isaiah 1:17)
BibleEx 14Ex 16Ex 19-20Ex 23:20-Ex 24
MathMemorize all Mult/Div facts: do flashcards, worksheets, play math fact games. Master those facts!Ch 4 Test & Introduce ProbabilityComplete worksheet sent homeCh 5, L2 TB p111-114, WB p97-100Ch 5, L3 TB p115-119, WB p101-104
SpellingDictate sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 6 Practice".Review Phonograms: kn, gn, nk, ough, ew. Step 6: Review New Teaching and Tips, DS 4-6.Re-write Step 5 test misspelled words 5x & Step 6: Review card box, Dictate sentences 7-9.Step 6 Spelling TestStep 7: New teaching, Dictate 10 words
GrammarCh 6, L2 Jingle 12, Ref. 21 Possessive Pronouns, Do Practice Sentence.Ch 6, L3 Classify Sentences ONLY! Complete Daily GrammarCh 6, L3 Subject/Verb AgreementReview Subject & Possessive Pronouns- Ref. 19 & 21. Can you name them all? Chapter 6 Test: Do Exercises 1,2, 3 & 5 only. For Ex 5 just circle correct answer
WritingReview Poem 1 for Poem Recitation TuesPoem 1 RecitationsIEW Break! Pick one of the activities in your reading journal p18 to complete.L8: Read Daedalus & Icarus, Create a KWO and retell, Banned Words: go/wentWrite 1st paragraph (setting & characters) of Daedalus & Icarus
ReadingDiscuss Ch 11, Literary Elements, & read Ch 12Finish reading The Perilous RoadFinal Discussion, Literary Elements: Irony, Theme, Character SketchPut Misty of Chincoteague in your backpack for Mon & Complete any unfinished work in your journal, due Monday for grading
HistoryAll journal entries should have a title, the date the event took place, and your answer written in complete sentences.
Key Dates Test & The Impressionists:Monet, Degas, Renoir, Cassat
Read SOTW "The Dutch East Indies" p93-96 & in your journal answer the questions in note below.KrakatoaRead SOTW "The Sick Man of Europe" p96-101 and orally narrate
GeographySouthern Europe Due 10/13
ScienceContinue working on your insect collection.Read p219-222 & write at least 3 interesting facts in journal p175Butterflies & MothsRead p222-225 & write at least 3 interesting facts in journal p177
Memory WorkPOEM 1, Due for Recitation on 9/28
GEOGRAPHY: Southern Europe Test on 10/14
KEY DATES: 1-3 Test on 9/30
 Please check Alma weekly for grades and/or missing work.
Objective:  Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.
Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading. 
Our Character Virtue of the month is Justice

Continue working on memorizing multiplication/division facts!  Start each day with a Facts Practice warm-up of either multiplication or division.

*Note-If you are new to Singapore Math, dividing numbers using mental math skills will be challenging. Here's a video that may help to demonstrate a simple problem. Work through the lesson, but realize that mental math will become easier as students develop skills working with number bonds and breaking numbers into "friendly" numbers.

1. Assess multiplication skills

2. Find the probability of an event.

3. Estimate and find quotients using long division

4. Divide up to a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number.

5. Practice division.

Objective: Analyze two ways to spell the sound of /shun/


Review each chapter's vocabulary prior to reading.

1. Learn about life during the Civil War.
2. Engage in discussion, sharing ideas, meaning, & information from the reading.

3. Identify irony, themes, and changed characters in The Perilous Road.


1. Assess memorization and presentation of "My Father's Vineyard"
2. Create a Story Sequence Outline of a myth using the Story Sequence Chart
3. Write the first paragraph of a 3 paragraph myth introducing the characters and setting


1. Identify possessive noun pronouns in sentences
2. Correctly use possessive noun pronouns in an original sentence.
3. Know that subjects and verbs must agree in number.
4. Assessment

Objective: Memorize more Latin verbs


Answer these questions in your journal using complete sentences.

1. What is an archipelago?

2. What things did the islands provide the Dutch?

3. Why did the farmers of the East Indies begin to revolt against the Dutch?

1. Identify characteristics of Impressionist artists including Monet, Renoir, Degas & Cassatt
2. Know that present-day Indonesia, formerly called The Dutch East Indies, was desired by the Dutch for wealth building.
3. Know that the Krakatoa volcano erupted in Indonesia in 1883.
4. Know that the Russian Czar Nicholas called the Ottoman Empire "The Sick Man of Europe" and fought against it.

1. Know the stages of Lepidoptera metamorphosis
2. Compare and contrast butterflies and moths
3. Continue to collect, study, and identify Texas insects.

If your student would like more information on pinning and labeling insects, here are a couple YouTube videos:
Here is a comprehensive booklet about Texas insects that you can print or use for reference and insect identification:
Here's a website to help with identification:

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry:  Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard".  Additional copies here.
Geography:  We will continue to study Southern Europe The song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map. A word bank is provided.

Fortis Academy 4th grade: Sept. 20 - 24, 2021

4th Grade Week 79/20/20219/21/20219/22/20219/23/20219/24/2021
DiscipleshipJUSTICE: "Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and please the widow's cause,” (Isaiah 1:17)
BibleEx 6-9 Select passagesRead Exodus 10Exodus 11-12Read Ex 13: 17-22
MathContinue memorizing all shaky multiplication facts 1-10, Make multiplication table, do flashcards, worksheets, play gamesCh4 L6, TB p98-100, WB p82-85Ch 4, L7 TB p101-103, WB 86-89Review & TB L8 Practice B p104-106Ch 5, L1 TB p107-110, WB p95-96
SpellingDictate sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 5 Practice".Step 5: Review Phonograms: ti, ci, si, tch. Review New Teaching/Strategies. Dictate sentences 4-6 Play SparklePhonograms: eigh, ei, ey, ph. Dictate sentences 7-9. Complete Reinforcement and Writing Station words if present.Step 5 SpellingTestStep 6: New teaching p45-46, Dictate 12 words
GrammarDaily Grammar Review Jingles 9-11. Complete Daily Grammar sent homeCh 6, L1- Jingles 10 and 11. Review Ref. 19 and 20: Subject Pronouns.What are the SIX parts of speech we have studied so far? List them and give an example of each. Complete Daily Grammar
WritingWork on Poem  Memorization
Write 3rd paragraph (Climax & Resolution) of Theseus mythCheck and edit your 3rd paragraph using composition checklist p56Begin writing FD of TheseusComplete Theseus FD due Tues. Stapled: Rubric, FD, RD & Review Poem 1 for Poem Recitation Tues
ReadingDiscuss Ch 5-6, Characterization & SimiliesThe Perilous Road: Read Ch 7-8 & write out answers to questions (p13) in journalDiscuss Perilous Road Chap 7-8 begin reading Chap 9 in classRead Perilous Road Ch 10-11 and write answers to  questions p14
HistoryReview Key Dates 1-3 Thomas EdisonRead p83-85 Rails, Zones & Bulbs & answer: How did railroads, time zones & light bulbs change the US?Rails, Zone & Bulbs ActivitiesRead Japan's Meiji Restoration p86-90 and write 2-3 facts in your journal
GeographySouthern Europe Due 10/13
ScienceInsect Defenses & What Do You Remember? journal p128Read L14 p213-215 & Complete What Do You Remember journal p128 Butterfly MigrationRead p215-219
Memory WorkPOEM 1, Due for Recitation on 9/28
GEOGRAPHY: Southern Europe Test on 10/14
KEY DATES: 1-3 Test on 9/30

Blog Abbreviations:

KWO-Key Word Outline
NB-Science Notebook
TB- Textbook 
RD- Rough Draft
SOTW-Story of the World Vol 4
WB- Workbook
FD- Final Draft
CCC-Complete, check, correct
Grammar- Shurley English
NT- New Teaching
MM- Mental Math
TM - Teacher's Manual 
DS - Dictate Sentences
FP-Facts Practice Sheet
CB- Latin Copybook
Objective:  Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.
Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading. 
Our Character Virtue of the month is Justice.

NOTE: Continue working on memorizing multiplication/division facts!  Time spent memorizing these facts will greatly reduce homework time and help your student be successful in upcoming long division lessons. Make multiplication charts, do flashcards, worksheets, play math fact games, or whatever works to master these facts. 

1. Multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit number.

2. Multiply a three-digit number by a two-digit number.

3. Assess multiplication skills.

4. Divide numbers up to three digits using a mental math method.

5. Memorize multiplication and division math facts.

Objective: Spell words ending in sion, words containing the sound of th, and how to add two suffixes to a word


Review each chapter's vocabulary prior to reading.

1. Learn about life during the Civil War.
2. Analyze a character in literature.

3. Identify similies.


1. Introduce the Story Sequence Chart
2. Create a Story Sequence Outline of a myth using the Story Sequence Chart
3. Brainstorm dress-ups and review vocabulary
4. Write the first paragraph of a 3 paragraph myth introducing the characters and setting
5. Write the second paragraph of a myth describing the conflict or problem


1. Identify subject pronouns in sentences
2. Correctly use subject pronouns in an original sentence.
3. Identify possessive noun pronouns in sentences
4. Correctly use possessive noun pronouns in an original sentence.


1. Know the accomplishments and contributions of Thomas Edison
2. Know that railroads sped travel, took people to new cities, and took grain and other goods to faraway places.
3. Know that time zones divided the earth into twenty-four zones, making it the same time inside each zone.
4. Know that electricity made it possible for men to work after dark.
5. Know that Japan became more modern during the Meiji Restoration.

1. Identify characteristics of Order Lepidoptera: scale wings, proboscis, forewings, hindwings
2. Know that some butterflies migrate long distances
3. Continue to collect, study, and identify Texas insects.

If your student would like more information on pinning and labeling insects, here are a couple YouTube videos:
Here is a comprehensive booklet about Texas insects that you can print or use for reference and insect identification:
Here's a website to help with identification:

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry:  Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard".  Additional copies here.
Geography:  We will continue to study Southern Europe The song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map. A word bank is provided.
Key Dates for 1st quarter:
The War Between the States                         1861-1865
World War I                                                      1914-1918
Lenin & the Russian Revolution                      1917