Fortis Academy 4th Grade - Week 3 - Aug. 26-30, 2024


4th Grade Week 3Tuesday
Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipPrudence- "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age, while we wait for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” – Titus 2:11-13
BibleGenesis 21:1-8 and 22:1-18Genesis 24Genesis 25:19-34 and 27-28:10-20Genesis 29
Ch. 2, L2:
TB pgs. 42-45;
WB pgs. 28-30
FP-A or B;
Ch. 2, L3:
TB pgs. 46-48;
WB pgs. 31-33
Ch. 2, L4:
TB pgs. 49-51;
WB pgs. 34-37
FP-A or B;
Ch 2, L5:
TB pgs. 52-54;
WB pgs. 38-39
Ch. 2, L6 Practice TB pgs. 55-56. See note regarding Math FP.Starting 9/2, at home specific Math Fact Practice sheets will be chosen at your discretion for when your child can complete the page correctly in 5 min. After you feel your child has grasped the current math fact sheet, move on to subtraction, multiplication, then division. See link below for electronic copies of Math Fact sheets in case you need extras.
SpellingStep 2: Review New Teaching, Reinforcement, and Writing Station Words; Review Phonograms; DS 4-6Step 2: Review card box, single-letter phonograms; DS 7-9;
Check for accuracy.
Step 2 TestStep 3: New Teaching pgs. 27-30;
Dictate new words
DS 1-3 on paper titled "Step 2 Practice"After you dictate words or sentences to your students, proofread it with them. When encountering a mistake remind them of the specific rule that goes along with that word (if there is one); Refer to the blue key cards for the spelling rules.
GrammarCh. 3, L1: Identify adverbs that modify adjectives and adverbs. Grammar Time, Skill TimeCh. 3, L2: TM pgs. 28-30: Jingles 1-6 and Grammar Time; TM pg. 31: Skill TimeCh. 3, L3: Grammar Time, Skill Time, Review Ref 10, and Do Practices 1-3Ch 3 L4 Test (for practice only). Do Ex 1, 2, 4, 5 CCCComplete all components of each assigned Shurley English lesson, EXCEPT “Activity / Assignment Time” and “Vocabulary” exercises.
Daily Grammar sheets are located in the purple folder (only do the specific ones assigned on the blog, we will do the others in class).
WritingL3: The Four Oxen and the Lioness; KWO, "-ly" dress-up, and vocab practice.Review vocab. Using your KWO and composition checklist pg. 30, write a RD of The Four Oxen and the Lioness.Writer's conference and edit RD. In-class writing assignment.Write FD. Use rubric to ensure all components are present. Due Tuesday, stapled in this order: Rubric, FD, RD.
ReadingDiscuss The Good Master Ch. 8 and vocab. for Ch. 9.Read Ch. 9; In yellow journal pg. 22: orally answer questions 1 and 2 and write your answer to question 3.Discussion of Ch. 9 and review vocab. for Ch. 10.Read Ch. 10 and choose one of the Research, Writing & Drawing activities on pg. 23 of yellow journal to complete. Orally answer questions 1-6.Co-Teachers, if possible, review the list of vocabulary words (in the journal) before your child reads their chapter. After reading, have your child orally narrate what they read and use the journal questions as prompts to ensure comprehension. Blog-assigned journal entries can be completed on a separate piece of paper, or on the journal worksheet if they can fit it neatly in the space provided.
HistoryDavid Livingstone and the exploration of AfricaRead SOTW pgs. 29-34, "Wandering Through Africa" and write a paragraph in your journal recalling what you admire about David Livingstone.Share journal entries and discuss Livingstone quotes.Read pgs. 41-46 "The Taiping Rebellion." Answer journal questions on pg. 9.Remember to answer in complete sentences and proofread for spelling and punctuation mistakes!
GeographyReview Oceans & ContinentsReview Oceans & Continents for tomorrow's testOceans & Continents Test
ScienceInsect Anatomy & Field DayRead TB pgs. 46-49 and answer WDYR questions pg. 59.Insect Collecting and Pinning. Handouts sent home.Read TB pgs. 50-53 and answer WDYR pg. 60.Insect Collecting
Memory WorkGEOGRAPHY: Ocean and Continents - Test on 8/29
SCIENCE: Insect anatomy, classification of life -
Test on 9/12
Test on 10/1
Due for Recitation on 10/3
Please plan to spend 15-20 minutes per day practicing memory work.
Poem 1 is
The Father's Vineyard.

3rd week of school already?? It’s flying by and we are having fun!

Coming Soon!

Tuesday, Aug. 27 - Picture Day. Send them to school looking sharp!

Thursday, Aug. 29 - DOGS Day/ Spirit Day/Pizza Day! Don’t pack a Thursday lunch if you signed up for pizza!

Tuesday, Sept. 3 - Labor Day Observed - No school 


L – Lesson

Ch. - Chapter

TB – Textbook

WB – Workbook

FP – Facts Practice Sheet

MM – Mental Math

CCC – Complete, check, correct

NT – New Teaching

DS – Dictate Sentences

IEW – Institute for Excellence in Writing book

KWO – Key Word Outline

RD – Rough Draft

FD – Final Draft

WDYR – What Do You Remember

NB – Science Notebooking Journal

Grammar – Shurley English

TM – Teacher’s Manual

SOTW – Story of the World (History book)



Our Character Virtue of the month is Prudence. Prudence is the ability to discern what is good and right and act accordingly.



Begin math with a 5-minute warm-up of addition practice using Facts Practice A or B. When your child can complete the page correctly in 5 min, move on to subtraction, multiplication, or division. 

Note: Textbook Lesson 6 provides additional practice for your student. The goal is mastery. Some students need more practice, some less. You decide how many problems your student needs to complete based on their mastery of the skills. If you need to make copies of Math Facts Practice sheets here is a linked to scanned sheets: Math Facts


1. Subtract 5-digit numbers.

2. Use mental math to add and subtract up to 5-digit numbers.

3. Solve multi-step word problems with addition and subtraction.

4. Practice previously learned skills.



Objective: Spell words with the sound of /kt/ spelled ct.




1. Identify virtues in characters.

2. Summarize a passage through oral narration.

3. Interact with the text through discussion and activities.

4. Increase vocabulary.

Note: For a list of additional classical books your child may enjoy, check out the website




1. Create a KWO from a source text.

2. Write a rough draft of a fable using KWO and a composition checklist.

3. Incorporate new vocabulary

4. Correctly incorporate “ly” words into the composition.




1.  Identify adverbs that modify adjectives and adverbs.

2.  Identify P1 sentences: SN V.

3.  Review singular, plural, and proper nouns.

4.  Identify the simple subject and simple predicate of a sentence.




1. Know that David Livingstone went to Africa to care for the sick and preach Christianity.

2. Recognize problems facing China in the mid-1800s: corrupt government and opium addiction.




1. Know how to collect and identify insects.

2. Identify different types of insect eyes, mouths, legs, and wings.

3. Create an insect collection for observation.


Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work:

Poetry:  Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard".  

Geography:  Continents & Oceans test is next Tuesday. Students are responsible for labeling seven continents and five oceans. A word bank will be provided. The song and map can be found on the main blog curricula/geography page.

Science: Classification of Life: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species