Fortis Academy 4th Grade - Week 6: September 17 - 23


4th Grade Week 6Tuesday
Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipFear of the Lord- "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” -Proverbs 9:10
BibleExodus 1Exodus 2Exodus 3:1-16 and 4:1-18Exodus 5
Ch. 4, L2:
TB pgs. 84-87;
WB pgs. 69-72
Ch. 4, L3:
TB pgs. 88-90;
WB pgs. 73-76
Ch. 4, L4:
TB pgs. 91-93;
WB pg. 77
Ch. 4, L5:
TB pgs. 94-97;
WB pgs. 80-81
Continue memorizing all shaky multiplication facts 1-12.
Make multiplication table, use flashcards, worksheets, play games, etc.
There is a blank multiplication table in their binder they can use with an Expo marker or you can make copies of it for them to write on for practice.
SpellingStep 4: Review New Teaching, Phonograms ie, dge, wr.
DS 4-6;
Play Sparkle
Step 4: Review card box, Review Phonograms ck, oe, oa, ed. DS 7-9Step 4
Spelling Test
Step 5: New teaching pgs. 39-42, Dictate 10 words.Dictate sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 5 Practice."
GrammarCh. 6, L1- Jingles 10 and 11. Review Ref. 19 and 20: Subject Pronouns.Classify Sentences for Ch. 6, L1.
Review Jingles 10-11. Complete a Daily Grammar sheet.
Ch. 6, L2 Jingle 12, Ref. 21 Possessive Pronouns. Do Practice Sentence.Ch. 6, L3 Classify Sentences ONLY! What are the SIX parts of speech we have studied so far? List them and give an example of each. Complete a Daily Grammar sheet.Daily Grammar sheets are in the purple folder.
WritingL6 Introduce Myths & Story Sequence Chart;
Read/discuss Thesueus & the Minotaur.
Begin KWO for 3 paragraphs.
Writer's Conference for Milkmaid RD.
Finish Milkmaid FD, Due tomorrow.
Complete style practice pg. 48 and vocab practice pg. 49. Review Story Sequence Chart and write
1st paragraph only introducing characters and setting. Include dress-ups and vocab.
Review Story Sequence Chart, KWO, and strong verb dress-up pg. 53. Complete style practice pgs. 54-55.Review checklist pg. 56 and write 2nd paragraph (conflict/ problem) RD of Theseus myth. 1st and 2nd paragraphs due Tuesday. (You'll write the 3rd paragraph in class).
Chs. 1-2 and Literary Devices
Read The Perilous Road Ch. 3-4 and orally answer questions 1-7 pgs. 7-8Discuss The Perilous Road Chs. 3-4 and Literary Devices. Begin reading Ch. 5 in class.Finish reading Ch. 5 if not completed in class. Read Ch. 6, answer questions 1-7 (pg. 9) in journal.It's helpful to review the chapter vocab. words in the reading journal prior to reading.
HistoryFinish remaining Civil War student research discussions. Begin Civil War lapbook presentations.Read SOTW p53-56 "After the Civil War" In History Journal* (see side note): Pretend you are a reporter writing a news story on the events that took place after the war. Include key facts, who was involved, and how the events affected individuals and the entire nation.Complete Civil War lapbook presentations.Read "The Dominion of Canada" pgs. 68-74 and answer History Journal questions.Study up on the Key Dates 1 - 3 (in binder). Our test is Oct. 1.*Note: I noticed some students did the last assignment (the one where they researched a topic) in the space provided for this week's History Journal entry. No worries! Just have them do the current Journal entry (Wednesday's assignment) on a separate piece of paper and staple it into the History Journal.
GeographySouthern EuropeColor each country in Southern Europe differently as you listen to the song.Review Southern EuropePoint to each country in Southern Europe as you listen to the song.
ScienceOrder Lepidoptera: Butterflies, Moths & Skippers- Create Venn DiagramRead TB pgs. 70-74. Orally narrate and do Act 3.5 in NB pg. 75. Continue working on insect collecting and preserving.Butterfly MigrationComplete WDYR pg. 78I encourage you to do extra activities in the science NB. There is a lot of fun stuff in the NB that isn't necessarily assigned and graded, but would benefit them all the same!
Memory WorkKEY DATES: 1-3 Test on 10/1
POEM 1, Due for Recitation on 10/3
GEOGRAPHY: Southern Europe Due 10/17

6th week mark! Keep up the good work at home! At this point we are getting into the swing of things but may also be feeling some overwhelm or push-back on homeschool. Keep at it! It will and is paying off.  ~Mrs. Woolsey

September dates to remember:

September 14 – Dodgeball Tournament (6pm-8pm @ Glad Tidings Church)

September 26 – Spirit/DOGS/Pizza Day!



Our Character Virtue of the month is Fear of the Lord. Fear of the Lord is knowing and understanding the glory and majesty of God. Fruit of the Spirit:  Faithfulness.


Math:  Begin math with a 5-minute warm-up of multiplication practice using Facts Practice H.  Strive to memorize multiplication facts (at least 1-12) ASAP. The binder has a multiplication chart in it that your student can review for additional help in memorizing. Plus, a blank one they can fill out. Have them fill it out without help and the ones they miss, they can rewrite multiple times to help commit to memory.


1. Multiply up to a four-digit number by a one-digit number.

2. Multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit multiple of 10.

3. Practice multiplication.

4. Practice estimation with multiplication

5. Continue to memorize multiplication facts 1-12.



Objective: Spell multi-syllable words ending in “ss.”




1. Learn about life during the Civil War.

2. Increase vocabulary (review new vocabulary words prior to reading).

4. Engage in discussion, sharing ideas, meaning, and information from the reading.




1. Introduce the Story Sequence Chart.

2. Create a Story Sequence Outline of a myth using the Story Sequence Chart.

3. Brainstorm dress-ups and review vocabulary.

4. Write the first paragraph of a 3 paragraph myth introducing the characters and setting.

5. Write the second paragraph of a myth describing the conflict or problem.



1. Identify subject pronouns in sentences.

2. Correctly use subject pronouns in an original sentence.

3. Identify possessive noun pronouns in sentences.

4. Correctly use possessive noun pronouns in an original sentence.

5. Review grammar skills.




1. Present Civil War lapbook projects.

2. Know that the United States still faced multiple problems after the Civil War.

3. Learn about Canada’s independence from Great Britain.




1. Compare and contrast butterflies, moths and skippers.

2. Identify unique characteristics of Lepidoptera anatomy.

3. Know that monarch butterflies migrate from northern North America to southern Mexico for the winter.

4. Continue to identify and pin insects.


·       Here's a website to help with identification: TRENDING & MOST COMMON — Texas Insect Identification Tools (


·       Here is a comprehensive booklet about Texas insects that you can print or use for reference and insect identification:


·      Information on pinning and labeling insects:


Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.

Poetry:  Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard". 

Geography:  We are studying Southern Europe. The song and map can be found on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map.

History: Key Dates for 1st quarter (also found in binder):

1.       The War Between the States:  1861 – 1865

2.       World War I:  1914 – 1918

3.       Lenin and the Russian Revolution:  1917