Fortis Academy 4th Grade - Week 1 - Aug. 13-16, 2024


4th Grade Week 1Tuesday
DiscipleshipPrudence- "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age, while we wait for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” – Titus 2:11-13
BibleGenesis 1Genesis 2Genesis 3Genesis 7
MathCh. 1, L1: TB pgs. 1-6; WB pgs. 1-3FP A;
Ch. 1, L2: TB pgs. 7-11; WB pgs. 4-6 CCC
Ch. 1, L3: TB pgs. 12-17; WB pgs. 7-9
Ch. 1, L4: TB pgs. 18-21; WB pgs. 10-12 CCC
Ch. 1, L5: TB pgs. 22-25; WB pgs. 13-15 CCC
See notes below for Abbreviation Key and information regarding math fact sheets.
SpellingReview classroom procedures and behavioral expectations.Review information found through pg. 12 in the All About Spelling book. Setup at-home spelling board to match layout found on pg. 15.Introduce Poem 1Step 1: pgs. 15-18; Review Phonogram Cards 1-65; Review Division Rules, Syllable Types and Suffix RulesDictate Step 1 sentences 1-5 (pg. 20) on paper with student name and title: "Step 1 Practice"
GrammarReview parts of a friendly letter and write a practice letter.Read through the 4th Grade Curriculum Information and Syllabus in the front pocket of the classroom binder and share the information with your child.Ch. 1, Lesson 4: A/An Choices;
Review nouns
Ch. 2, L1 Listen to Jingles 1-3; Review nouns and verbs; Complete Daily GrammarComplete all components of each assigned Shurley English lesson, EXCEPT “Activity / Assignment Time” and “Vocabulary” exercises.
WritingSummer Reading ActivityRead pgs. 12-13 in your IEW book.Introduce Structure & Style and Key Word Outlines; Read and discuss source texts; Make KWOReview Vocab words (beasts, gnaw) and retell the Grasshopper and the Ants fable to a family member using only your KWO. Practice your public speaking skills!
ReadingBegin reading The Good Master in class and discussRead The Good Master Ch. 2 & 3; Orally discuss questions that are in your journal. Make a list of Jansci's chores in journal pg. 16 and compare it to a list of chores that you do.Discussion and vocabulary studyRead Ch. 4 & 5 and in journal pg. 17; Cite examples of how Kate has changed since arriving on the farm.Co-Teachers, have your child orally narrate their reading assignments to you after they complete them.
HistoryIntroduce History Journals, Queen Victoria & the British Empire1) Read SOTW pgs. 5-9 "Victoria's England" and answer questions in journal. 2) Write in your journal what you would put in such a Great Exhibition and why? Be prepared to share with class on Thursday. See note belowShare journal entries and discuss Great ExhibitionRead SOTW pgs. 9-13 "The Sepoy Mutiny"" and answer questions in your journal.Each journal entry should have a title, the date the event took place, and be written in complete sentences with proper capitalization and punctuation. Please proofread with your child to ensure entries are grammatically correct.
GeographyOceans & Continents - Due 8/29
ScienceIntroduce Flying CreaturesRead TB pgs. 14-19; Orally narrate what was read and answer the question at the end. Can you find anything on the scavenger hunt list? (NB pg. 27)Carl Linnaeus and Scientific ClassificationRead pgs. 20-24; Orally narrate and add interesting facts to NB using complete sentences. Do Activity 1.4 and 1.5 (pg. 23).
Memory WorkGEOGRAPHY: Ocean and Continents - Test on 8/29
SCIENCE: Insect anatomy, classification of life -
Test on 9/12
KEY DATES: 1-3 Test on 10/1
POEM 1: Due for Recitation on 10/3
Please plan to spend 15-20 minutes per day practicing memory work.
Poem 1 is
The Father's Vineyard.

Welcome 4th-grade Falcons! I'm so excited to be your teacher this year, and I look forward to starting our learning adventure together. Below are some general notes on objectives. I will usually put more specific notes/directives in the co-teacher notes column above in the blog table.


TB – Textbook

KWO – Key Word Outline

NT – New Teaching

WB – Workbook

SOTW – Story of the World (History book)

DS – Dictate Sentences

FP – Facts Practice Sheet

NB – Science Notebooking Journal

RD – Rough Draft

CCC – Complete, check, correct

Grammar – Shurley English

FD – Final Draft

IEW – Institute for Excellence in Writing book

TM – Teacher’s Manual

Ch. - Chapter



Objective:  Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.

Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading. We will be doing an overview of the Bible this year with selected passages from the entire Bible. I invite you to join us in reading the passages on home days and discussing them with your child.

Our Character Virtue of the month is Prudence. Prudence is the ability to discern what is good and right and act accordingly.




1. Read and write up to 6-digit numbers using expanded form.

2. Find a number 100, 1000, or 10,000 more or less than a five-digit number.

3. Compare and order numbers within 1 million.

4. Round a five-digit number to the nearest ten thousand, thousand or hundred.

Please make copies of the master math fact practice drill sheets sent home. Students will be expected to complete math fact practice drills on most home days. The appropriate sheet to use is denoted with the abbreviation “FP” followed by a letter (FP-A, FP-B, etc.) that specifies which sheet to use that day. Set the timer for five minutes. If the student finishes before the timer goes off, record the time on the sheet. If the timer goes off and the student does not finish, circle the place where he/she finished, then complete the rest of the page untimed. Correct and return to school for a completion grade.




1. Learn about life in Hungary in the early 1900s.

2. Engage in meaningful Socratic discussion.

3. Increase vocabulary.

4. Compare and contrast characters.




1. Introduce structure and style.

2. Create a KWO from a source text.

3. Retell a fable using KWO.




1. Know the definitions of synonyms and antonyms.

2. Learn how to use "a" and "an" correctly. 

3. Review and practice dictionary skills. 




1. Know that the British spread their empire throughout the world during Queen Elizabeth’s reign.

2. Identify two reasons why the British spread their empire.

3. Know that the Great Exhibition was filled with exhibits from all parts of the British Empire.

4. Identify ways that the East India company took control of India.

*Note: People came to the Great Exhibition from all over the world. Representatives from each country brought inventions, products, plants, and animals to show off to the rest of the world. We will hold our own small "Great Exhibition." If you like, you can bring in something special from your family or your family's country of origin--a famous piece of art or style of music, a type of popular food, or an invention or product that symbolizes your family's heritage to share with the class.




1. Know that scientists classify life with the system of Binomial Nomenclature.

2. Know that flying creatures are in Kingdom Animalia.



1. Know the names and locations of the world’s seven continents and five oceans.

2. Know the terms "equator," "prime meridian," "tropics of Cancer and Capricorn" and "Arctic and Antarctic circles."

3. Develop a heart of compassion for the people of the Earth who don't yet know Christ.

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work:

Poetry: Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard."  A copy was placed in your student's binder on Monday. Practice this with a family member, pet, or stuffed animal as an audience, focusing on the public speaking skills listed in IEW on pg. 9. Additional copies here.

Geography Memory Work:  We will begin our study of geography this week through "blob mapping" the oceans and continents. Here is a short video that demonstrates blobbing of a world map. (This is part one of a four-part video series).

Continents & Oceans song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling the continents and oceans on a map.

Science Memory Work: Classification of Life: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species