Fortis Academy 4th Grade - Week 2 - Aug. 19-23, 2024


4th Grade Week 2Tuesday
DiscipleshipPrudence- "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age, while we wait for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” – Titus 2:11-13
BibleGenesis 8 - 9Read Genesis 11:1-9; In your journal write why you think God confused their language.Genesis 12: 1-8 & Genesis 15:1-6Read Genesis 18:1-15
Ch.1, L6: TB pgs. 26-29; WB pgs. 16-18
FP-A or B;
Ch. 1, L7: TB pgs. 30-32; WB pgs. 19-21 CCC
Ch 1 Review & TestFP-A or B;
Ch. 2, L1: TB pgs. 37-41; WB pgs. 25-27 CCC
Please have your child make Test corrections on a separate sheet of paper, attach to test, and return it to school on Tuesday.
SpellingStep 1 New Teaching, DS 6-9 on same paper started MondayReview New Teaching (pgs. 18-19) & Dictate Sentences 10-14Step 1 DS 15-20Step 2 New Teaching pgs. 21-24; Dictate 10 wordsDictate sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 2 Practice"
GrammarCh. 2, Lessons 1 & 2 - Identifying nouns and verbs and the 5 parts of a complete sentence. Do Jingles, Grammar Time, Skill Time.Ch 2, L3: Jingles 3-6, Skill Time, memorize the 5 parts of a sentence (TM pg. 17 Skill Time) and the 4 kinds of sentences (Ref 7).Ch 2, L4 Adverbs: Jingles, Grammar Time, and memorize the 3 adverb questions: How? When? Where?Ch 2, L5: Jingles, Grammar Time, Skill Time, and Practice Time pg. 66. Memorize adjective questions: Which one? What kind? How many?Complete all components of each assigned Shurley English lesson, EXCEPT “Activity / Assignment Time” and “Vocabulary” exercises.
Daily Grammar sheets are located in the purple folder (only do the specific ones assigned on the blog, we will do the others in class).
WritingRead & Discuss "The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner." Create KWO, retell, and review vocab words.Cut out vocab cards for L2. Complete vocab practice sheet pg. 23, begin writing RD using composition checklist pg. 24.Complete RD if not already finished. Writer's conference and begin writing FD. Rubric sent home. In-class writing assignment.Write FD of "The Trumpeter." Due Tuesday, stapled in this order: Rubric, FD, RD
ReadingDiscuss The Good Master Ch. 4-5. Read Ch. 6 in class.Read Ch. 7 and complete two of the "Research, Writing & Drawing" activities from Ch. 5, 6, or 7. Due tomorrow.Discussion & sharing of activities.The Good Master: Read Ch. 8 and answer Ch. 8 questions orally. In your journal, describe the fair and draw a picture to go with it.Co-Teachers, if possible, review the list of vocabulary words (in the journal) before your child reads their chapter. After reading, have your child orally narrate what they read and use the journal questions as prompts to ensure comprehension. Blog-assigned journal entries can be completed on a separate piece of paper, or on the journal worksheet if they can fit it neatly in the space provided.
HistoryCommodore Perry and Japan Re-Opens; Discussion and activity.Read SOTW pgs. 18-23, "The Crimean War" and orally narrate. Answer question in Journal pg. 5.The Crimean War Review & Florence Nightingale Activity, Read "Charge of the Light Brigade."Pretend you're either Commodore Perry or Florence Nightingale (your choice) and in your Journal write a "diary" entry of a memorable day in your life. Include the date, your activities that day, problems faced/solved, and any thoughts or feelings you imagine they may have experienced. Illustrate.Each journal entry should have a title, the date the event took place, and be written in complete sentences with proper capitalization and punctuation. Please proofread with your child to ensure entries are grammatically correct.
GeographyOceans & Continents Due 8/28
ScienceTaxonomy ReviewRead TB pgs. 40-43. In your NB, pg. 53, list several benefits of insects. Do Activity 2.1 & 2.2 in NB, pg. 54.Introduction to Entomology & Insect AnatomyRead TB pgs. 44-45. Orally narrate and Do Activity 2.3 in NB pg. 55.Cut out the animal classification minibook in your NB pgs. 39-47 and assemble. Glue to pg. 49.
Memory WorkGEOGRAPHY: Ocean and Continents - Test on 8/29
SCIENCE: Insect anatomy, classification of life -
Test on 9/12
Test on 10/1
Due for Recitation on 10/3
Please plan to spend 15-20 minutes per day practicing memory work.
Poem 1 is
The Father's Vineyard.

Welcome to our second week of 4th-grade! We had a fun 1st week, and I can tell we will all make a great team! General notes on objectives are below and specific notes/directives are found in the co-teacher notes column above in the blog table.

Coming Soon!
Tuesday, Aug. 27 - Picture Day
Thursday, Aug. 29 - DOGS Day/ Spirit Day/Pizza Day!
Tuesday, Sept. 3 - Labor Day - No school 


TB – Textbook

KWO – Key Word Outline

NT – New Teaching

WB – Workbook

SOTW – Story of the World (History book)

DS – Dictate Sentences

FP – Facts Practice Sheet

NB – Science Notebooking Journal

RD – Rough Draft

CCC – Complete, check, correct

Grammar – Shurley English

FD – Final Draft

IEW – Institute for Excellence in Writing book

TM – Teacher’s Manual

Ch. - Chapter



Objective:  Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.

Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading. We will be doing an overview of the Bible this year with selected passages from the entire Bible. I invite you to join us in reading the passages on home days and discussing them with your child.

Our Character Virtue of the month is Prudence. Prudence is the ability to discern what is good and right and act accordingly.




1. Round up to 6-digit numbers.

2. Calculate large numbers in which most numbers are 0 using mental math.

3. Test over Chapter 1.

4. Begin Chapter 2 - investigate addition and subtraction of 5-digit numbers.

Please make copies of the master math fact practice drill sheets sent home. Students will be expected to complete math fact practice drills on most home days. The appropriate sheet to use is denoted with the abbreviation “FP” followed by a letter (FP-A, FP-B, etc.) that specifies which sheet to use that day. Set the timer for five minutes. If the student finishes before the timer goes off, record the time on the sheet. If the timer goes off and the student does not finish, circle the place where he/she finished, then complete the rest of the page untimed. Correct and return to school for a completion grade.




1. Continue to learn about life in Hungary in the early 1900s.

2. Engage in meaningful Socratic discussion.

3. Increase vocabulary.

4. Compare and contrast characters.




1. Write our first rough draft.

2. Complete a final draft.




1. Know the definitions of synonyms and antonyms.

2. Review and practice dictionary skills. 

3. Memorize the 5 parts of a sentence, and what adverbs and adjectives are.




1. Learn about Commodore Perry, Japan re-opening, the Crimean War and Florence Nightingale.




1. Learn about entomology and insect anatomy.



1. Know the names and locations of the world’s seven continents and five oceans.

2. Know the terms "equator," "prime meridian," "tropics of Cancer and Capricorn" and "Arctic and Antarctic circles."

3. Develop a heart of compassion for the people of the Earth who don't yet know Christ.

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work:

Poetry: Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard."  A copy is in your student's Campus Binder. Practice this with a family member, pet, or stuffed animal as an audience, focusing on the public speaking skills listed in IEW on pg. 9. Additional copies here.

Geography Memory Work:  We will continue our study of geography this week by continuing to practice "blob mapping" the oceans and continents. Here is a short video that demonstrates blobbing of a world map. (This is part one of a four-part video series).

Continents & Oceans song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling the continents and oceans on a map.

Science Memory Work: Classification of Life: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species and parts of an insect.