Fortis Academy 4th Grade: Aug. 29 - Sept. 2

DiscipleshipLove (Mercy) + Proverbs 3:1-2
MathReview Mult./Division &  HIG p25-26, TB p31-32. Start WB Ex 12 #2.Review HIG p25-26 & TB p 29-32, WB Ex 12, problem 2  CCCWord Problems: HIG p 27-29, TB p33-34 Begin WB Ex. 13Review HIG p27-29, TB p34, Complete WB Ex 13 CCC    See note below on bar modeling.TB p35 Practice 2A Complete on lined paper. Show bar models for word problems. CCC and return to school next week for homework grade.
ReadingFinish reading "The Sign of the Beaver" this week. Begin reading classical book of your choice.Complete and score one reading narration. Use red pen to score. Due next week.
CompositionLesson 2, Part 1 KWO & Read Aloud: The Dog & the WolfLesson 2, Part 2: Brainstorm.Lesson 2, Part 3: Begin rough draft. Review proofreading symbols handout.Complete rough draft started in class. Use composition checklist on p. 33 to ensure all components are present.
GrammarCh 4 L1 Sentences, Parts of Speech, Practice TimeChap 3 Test (Skip Exercises 3 & 7) See note below.Ch 4, L2 Sentences and Practice SentencesCh 4, L3 Classify sentences & CCC Practice Time (Skip the expanded practice sentence)
SpellingStep 3: Review New Teaching, Reinforcement & Writing Station words, Dictate sentences 4-6 on the same paper started Thurs.Review Phonograms: oi, oy, ch, ow, ou. Review card box. Dictate sentences 7-9. Step 3 Spelling TestReview Phonograms: sh, th, oo, ee, or. Step 4 New Teaching p33-35, Dictate 10 words & sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 4 Practice"
HistoryBenjamin Franklin ActivitiesL7 The French & Indian War JamieIntroduce Key Date #37, The American Revolution ActivitiesL9* The American Revolution part 1 ThomasComplete & score one narration. Due next week. L8 (Catherine the Great) is optional.         * L9 Key Date #37
ScienceTry This! pg. 37Read pgs. 38-41What Do You Remember? and Notebooking Activity (Write down all the facinating facts you've learned) pg. 41Read pgs. 43-46, do Try This! on pg. 46
GeographyGreenland and Canada Due 9/21
Memory WorkSCRIPTURE: Proverbs 3:1-2
GEOGRAPHY: Continents and Oceans (Test on 8/24)
KEY DATES: #37 The American Revolution 1765-1783
POETRY: "The Father's Vineyard" (Recitation on 10/3)

Coming Soon:
Monday, August 29 - Open House, 6-8 p.m.
Wednesday, August 31 - Pizza Day! Students may wear Fortis spirit shirts with uniform bottoms.
Monday, September 5 - Labor Day. NO SCHOOL!
Wednesday, September 7 - Picture Day

HIG- Home Instructor Guide
KWO-Key Word Outline
Grammar- Shurley English
LT- Learning Task
RD- Rough Draft
Composition-Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales
CCC-Complete, check, correct
FD- Final Draft
TB- Textbook (oral)
CC-  Copy cursive book
NT- New Teaching
WB- Workbook
TM (S)- Teacher's Manual (Supp)
DS - Dictate Sentences
MM- Mental Math
L- Lesson

Objective:  Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.  
Our Character Virtue of the month is: Love (Mercy).  Start your home school day with prayer and Bible reading.  How would you define mercy?  Is God merciful? If yes, give examples of how you know He is.

1. Divide  a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number.
2. Divide by 10.
3. Solve word problems of up to 3 steps.
4. Practice concepts involving multiplication and division.
5. Practice bar modeling in order to solve word problems.

Please complete all the work assigned for home days, including textbook practice exercises, workbook exercises and math facts practice sheets.
Math Facts: Start each day with a 5 min warm up using the  Math Facts Practice sheets. This week we will be doing Practice Sheet G (multiplication) at school.  If your child has not mastered addition and subtraction facts, please continue to work on those facts sheet at home.
Mental Math: Continue your warm up with 5 minutes of Mental Math. This week work through Mental Math 7  in the HIG appendix.
Workbook Exercises: Please check these daily and have students make corrections.
Math Buddies: This interactive web site has supplemental activities and information that are compatible with our Singapore Primary Mathematics books. We encourage you to regularly use this web site to help you better understand how to teach a lesson or concept and to provide opportunities for your child to practice new skills.
Math Buddies login page

Optional Math Buddies: Multiplication and Division with Models.

Bar Modeling: Bar modeling is a key component of problem solving. If you have not watched the bar model training videos on the blog under resources, they will be beneficial in assisting your student. 

1. Learn about life in the New England wilderness.
2. Engage in discussion, sharing ideas, meaning, & information from the reading.
3. Develop a love for reading.
So you can plan ahead, please select a book to begin reading next week from the Fortis classical book list found here.   They will have three weeks to complete this "choice" book.
 This week, we will finish reading and discussing The Sign of the Beaver.  Students are to write a short narration on their weekly reading at home using this form.  Reading 
Co-Teachers, please score in red pen using the rubric and return to school Monday in your child's binder front pocket.
If your child struggles to narrate, here are some suggestions to make it easier:
 1) Allow your child to dictate the summary to you. You will write down what he/she says, and then your child will copy it onto the narration form. 
2) Have your child write a rough draft on notebook paper and then copy the final draft in cursive onto the narration form.  
1. Take notes on the main ideas in a fable, creating a KWO.
2. Make up a title by repeating or reflecting key words.
3. Use an -ly word when you write your own version of a fable.
4. Complete a rough draft using a checklist to include all necessary elements.

1. Identify 4 parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in sentences.
2. Identify predicate words located in the complete subject.
3. Write a practice sentence and improve it using synonyms.
Co-teachers, please tear out the Chap. 3 Lesson 4 Test in your student's workbook.  You will administer the first grammar test at home (skip exercises 3 & 7) on Tuesday. Please circle errors in red pen and have students make corrections to the side. Return it to school for grading/scoring. You may read the Q&A flow from the teacher's manual to help students classify the sentences on this first test. Also feel free to answer questions any about the instructions, but please don't help your kids with the answers. It is important for us to see where they are and what they may be struggling with at this point.   Continue to review jingles 1-6.
1. Know how to spell words ending in -tion
2. Know how to alphabetize to the fourth letter.
NARRATIONS: Please have your student choose one of this week's history lessons to narrate. Co-teachers are responsible for grading these using the rubric at the bottom of the page. Return the narrations to school each Monday so that I can record the grade. For tips on writing narrations, see notes under "Reading" above.
Students who are due to create a timeline figure are listed in red in the above table after the lesson number. The following class day, they will show the class the figure, tell  2-3 important points about the lesson, and place their figure on the classroom timeline.

History Key Dates:  
We are adding our first key date this week from Vol. 4: The American Revolution 1765-1783.
Geography: We will begin our study of Greenland and Canada this week.  Maps and songs can be found here.

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.

Scripture:  We will be memorizing Proverbs 3:1-23 over the course of this year.  A copy of the passage was placed in your student's binder on Monday.  Additional copies may be found here.

Poetry:  Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard" to be recited on 10/3.   Additional copies here.