Coming Soon:
Thursday, Feb. 13 - Spirit Day (no pizza) and Valentine Exchange
Saturday, Feb. 15 - Fortis Talent Show 6pm
Thursday, Feb. 27 - Spirit Day, DOGS, Pizza!
On Feb. 13, we'll have a Valentine Exchange and party the last 30 minutes of the day. Please bring a valentine for each classmate and a box or bag to take home your valentines. Here's a class list.
1. Caroline 6. Parker
2. Emily 7. Evelyn
3. Scarlett 8. Kaylee
4. Genevieve 9. Malachi
5. Jacob
Objective: Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.
Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading. Our virtue this month is Faith. Faith is belief in God and His promises.
Fruit of the Spirit: Joy. Joy is a serene and stable happiness that finds its roots in God.
Note: Start each day with a facts practice warm-up sheet. Do whichever page your child is currently working on. Set the timer for 5 minutes, circle the last problem completed, then complete the rest of the page. Correct and return to school for an optional completion grade. (Two sheets due per week.)
1. Understand the meaning of decimals to tenths and hundredths.
2. Express fractions in tenths and hundredths as decimals.
3. Express one-place and two-place decimals as fractions.
4. Express mixed numbers in tenths and hundredths as decimals.
5. Represent decimals on a number line.
6. Express decimal numbers in expanded form.
7. Express decimals as fractions in simplest form.
1. Learn to spell /ij/ at the end of a word.
2. Form irregular plurals
Please bring your book to class each day.
1. Increase reading comprehension and fluency.
2. Engage in meaningful discussion.
Objective: Correctly punctuate sentences with beginning, ending, and middle quotes.
1. Write a RD on one aspect of WW II. Include at least 5 dress-ups.
2. Take notes from at least two source texts.
3. Create a KWO for the second paragraph of the WW II project.
4. Begin writing 2nd paragraph RD from KWO.
NOTE: Each paragraph must contain a topic sentence, at least 6 facts, a clincher sentence, and your choice of 5 dress-ups or openers (-ly, w/w, sv, adj, bc,, -ly opener, prep opener VSS).
For this assignment only: the FD may be typed or neatly handwritten in cursive.
1. Know that the bombing of Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941, brought the US into WW II.
2. Know that D-Day was a turning point in the war in Europe.
3. Know that Winston Churchill was a key figure during WW II.
3. Continue researching and taking notes on areas of interest from WW II.
NOTE: This week you will continue reading and taking notes about your chosen WW II topic(s) and create a KWO from which
to write your second paragraph. You will need to have several facts from at least three books and/or websites. You may use SOTW as one
of your sources if you like.
Books: Write down the title of the book, the author, publisher, date of publication, and page numbers used.
Websites: Write down the name of the website, the title of the article, and the author and date you accessed the website.
We will be making Bibliography with this information next week.
1. Identify parts of a feather.
2. Examine 7 types of feathers.
3. Identify Texas birds.
Memory Work: Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry: Our third quarter poem is "In Christ Alone". These lyrics are set to music and you can find numerous renditions online. Here is one. In Christ Alone. Additional copies here.
Geography: We are continuing our study of Eastern Europe this week. The song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map. A word bank is provided.
Sheppard's software practice game: Eastern Europe
History: We are beginning our memorization of the US Presidents. There are several YouTube video songs to help
with this. Here are two: US Presidents: Washington to Trump and an older version, US Presidents to "America"
For assessment, students will write or sing all the presidents' first and last names. Due 5/13
Key Dates for 3rd quarter:
1. The War Between the States 1861-1865
2. World War I 1914-1918
3. Lenin & the Russian Revolution 1917
4. The Great Depression 1929-1939
5. World War II 1939-1945
6. The Cold War 1945-1991
7. The Formation of Israel 1948
8. Mao & Communist Victory in China 1949
9. Martin Luther King & the Civil Rights Movement 1950-1968