Fortis Academy 4th Grade: April 6 - 10, 2020

BibleJohn 19 & 20John 21Acts 1 & 2Acts 4
MathHIG p76, TB p74-75 LT 1-2, WB Ex 42 

See Note Below
WB p94-98 Review 5: Complete, check, & make corrections. If you have questions, I will be in my Webex room from 12:30-1:00 HIG p77, TB p76-79 LT 3-8, WB Ex 43HIG p.78, TB p79, LT 9, WB Ex. 44
SpellingStep 25: Review New Teaching and Strategies. Dictate sentences 4-6Review Card Box & Phonograms: igh, ie, dge, wr & Dictate Sentences 7-9Step 25 Spelling TestStep 26 New Teaching. Dictate 10 words and sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 26 Practice."
GrammarCh 22 L1: Classify sentences onlyCh 22, L2 Classify sentences only
WritingComplete your "Orion" FD, Due Wednesday See note belowL 23 Read The Great Bear & Ursa Major, Write a separate KWO for each, and use them to make a fused outline p179Style Practice p180-182Using the composition checklist and your fused outline, write a RD of the Great Bear Constellation
ReadingDiscuss Journey to Jo'Burg Ch 7-13Read Journey to Jo'Burg Ch 14-endFinal Jo'Burg discussion during Webex. Read My Side of the Mountain Ch 1Read My Side of the Mountain Ch 2
HistoryRead "Chernobyl & Nuclear Power" p445-449The End of the Cold WarRead "The End of the Cold War" p449-452
ScienceBird Report AlyssaRead p89-91"Matching & Hatching" & add facts to journal p78Bird Report: MatthewRead p92-95 Try This! p95  & diagram the egg pA32 (mini-book)
Memory WorkPOETRY: Poem 4 on 5/11
GEOGRAPHY: Scandinavia Test on 4/8
KEY DATES: 1-12 Test on 4/29
HISTORY: US Presidents 1-45 Due 4/22

Mrs. Johnson's Meeting Room
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4th Grade Webex Times: Monday & Wednesday 9:45 am & 1:00pm

*Please note: Because these are such extraordinary times, and we want to reduce any stress you may be feeling in regards to this online model, we are easing up on required assignments. We will now have optional assignments, focusing our teaching on math, reading and writing. The blog is now color-coded with everything in blue being optional. That said, many of the assignments your student can do independently, so they are still recommended, however not required, and will not be assessed.

24 Math
Next week (4/13), we are starting a unit on Solid Figures which is an introduction to the following lesson on volume. I normally teach this at school with my supply of multilink cubes. If you don't have any at home, you may want to borrow or order a set online. They are not required; the lessons can be completed without cubes, but it will make it easier for your student to understand the more abstract concept of volume by first using the concrete cubes.

1. Identify lines of symmetry
2. Identify geometric shapes and lines of symmetry in the shapes
3. Complete a symmetric figure
4. Review previously learned skills

Objective: Spell more words containing the sound of /e/ spelled ea.

Please scan or send me a picture of your "Orion" Final Draft by Wednesday.
You can send me a picture of your "Great Bear" RD to check, or co-teachers can check using the composition checklist. Final Draft is due 4/15/20.

1. Write a KWO from two source texts
2. Write a fused outline from the two KWO's
3. Write a RD paragraph from fused outline which includes dress-ups: -ly, who/which clause,, because clause, strong verb, quality adjective, prepositional opener, adverb opener

1. Learn about life in South Africa in the mid twentieth century.
2. Discuss social issues facing the black community living in South Africa during Apartheid


1. Present findings on bird of choice 
2. Learn about the courtship rituals of birds
3. Identify the parts of an egg

Birds will be active and looking to nest over the nest few weeks. Here is a wonderful publication from Texas Parks & Wildlife which gives a lot of information about Texas birds and how to identify them. There's also coloring pages, facts, and fun activities which will aid in your bird study.
Learn About Texas Birds

Memory Work:  Optional for the 4th quarter
Poetry:  Our fourth quarter poem is "The Dentist and the Crocodile". Additional copies can be found here.
Geography:  We will begin our study of Scandinavia this week. Due 4/8
The Scandinavia song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page.
History: : We are continuing our memorization of the US Presidents.   There are several YouTube video songs.  
Here are two: US Presidents to "America"  US Presidents  For assessment, students will write or sing all the 
presidents' first and last names. Due 4/22

Key Dates for 4th quarter:
The War Between the States                         1861-1865
World War I                                                      1914-1918
Lenin & the Russian Revolution                      1917
The Great Depression                                     1929-1939
World War II                                                     1939-1945
The Cold War                                                   1945-1991
The Formation of Israel                                    1948
Mao & Communist Victory in China                 1949
Martin Luther King & Civil Rights Movement  1950-1968
Man Walks on the Moon                                  1969
Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe            1989
The Collapse of the Soviet Union                  December 26, 1991