Please Check Alma weekly for grades and missing work.
Coming Soon:
Monday, February 3 - Co-Teacher Training 2-3pm (What is Inference and why it it important?)
Monday, February 10 - Teacher In-service NO SCHOOL!
Monday, February 10 - Teacher In-service NO SCHOOL!
Wednesday, February 12 - History Projects Due
Wednesday, February 12 - Valentine Exchange
Wednesday, February 12 - Valentine Exchange
Saturday, February 22 - Fortis Family Work Day 9am-12pm
Wednesday, March 4 - Poem 3 Recitations
Wednesday, March 4 - Poem 3 Recitations
1. Round off decimal numbers to the nearest whole number.
2. Round off decimal numbers to one decimal place.
3. Assess decimals and previously skills.
4. Add 1 & 2 place decimals.
On Tuesday use Review A to assess your student's understanding of skills learned. There's no need to do every problem if your student understands the concept well. You may only need to do a couple problems of some skills, and all the problems of others, depending on your student's needs. However, I would recommend everyone do #9 and all of the word problems on page 30, to practice these skills. Work through Mental Math 3 this week. We will soon start adding/subtracting/multiplying and dividing decimals, so keep honing those math facts!
1. Make the plural form of words ending in o.
2. Learn the phonograms ui, gn, our, and ci
1. Practice the Unit 6 Summarizing Multiple References structural model.
2. Take notes and create source outlines from two sources
3. Create a fused outline
4. Write a paragraph about WW II from fused outline
5. Continue to practice topic sentence/clincher rule
1. Know that Personal Pronouns and Antecedents must agree in number and gender.
Objectives:1. Engage in meaningful Socratic dialogue
2. Summarize a passage through oral narration.
3.Identify virtues in characters in The House of Sixty Fathers
1. Review the 2nd Declension Neuter Noun: donum
2. Review the 1st & 2nd Declension nouns endings
1. Know that the bombing of Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941 brought the US into WW II.
2. Know that D-Day was a turning point in the war in Europe.
3. Identify ways WW II impacted Americans' daily lives
4. Identify the Marine Memorial as a tribute to the armed forces fighting in the Pacific
5. Continue researching areas of interest from WW II
This week you will complete reading and taking notes about your chosen WW II topic(s). Your will present your project to the
class next Wednesday, Feb 12th. Your project must have both a written and visual portion, which should be neatly displayed.
You will need to have several facts from at least three books and/or websites. There are many websites on WWII that are age appropriate. Here are a couple that may be helpful:
Depending on how you choose to present your project, the written portion will look different. If you are making a lapbook or
board presentation, you will have several facts and short paragraph descriptions of different aspects of the war. If you are
creating a diorama, you will write three paragraphs about your topic, each with a topic sentence, interesting facts about your topic,
and a clincher sentence. You may use the notes you took in class, or you may use your own notes to write the written portion.
Include a bibliography with the written portion.
1. Practice bird identification.
2. Identify parts of a feather
3. Study the arrangement and types of feathers on a live chicken.
Memory Work: Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry: Our third quarter poem is "In Christ Alone". These lyrics are set to music and you can find numerous renditions online. Here in one. In Christ Alone Additional copies can be found here.
Geography: We will begin our study of Eastern Europe this week. Due 2/26
The Western Europe song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page.
History: : We are beginning our memorization of the US Presidents. There are several YouTube video songs.
Here are two: US Presidents to "America" US Presidents For assessment, students will write or sing all the
presidents' first and last names. Due 3/25
Here are two: US Presidents to "America" US Presidents For assessment, students will write or sing all the
presidents' first and last names. Due 3/25
Key Dates for 3rd quarter:
The War Between the States 1861-1865
World War I 1914-1918
Lenin & the Russian Revolution 1917
The Great Depression 1929-1939
World War II 1939-1945
Mao & Communist Victory in China 1949
The Cold War 1945-1991
The Formation of Israel 1948
Martin Luther King & the Civil Rights Movement 1950-1968
The Cold War 1945-1991
The Formation of Israel 1948
Martin Luther King & the Civil Rights Movement 1950-1968