Fortis Academy 4th Grade: April 23 - 27

DiscipleshipCourage+ Matthew 5: 1-16
BibleActs 4:1-12, Ps 23 1 Jn 3:16-24, Jn 10:11-18Is. 52:7-10, 2 Tim. 4:5-18Mark 16:14-20
MathPractice 6B   Review E     See noteReview for Monday's Final Math TestReview 7 Co-teachers, check for understanding and accuracy as these concepts will be on the final test.
SpellingReview Step 28 & 71 Basic Phonograms Administer (and return to school) the final Phonogram Assessment #4 Step 28 Spelling Test

GrammarGrammar ReviewCreate an original sentence for each of the three patterns P1: SN V, P2: SN V DO,P3: SN V IO DO Bring to class Wed for a friend to classify. Additional parts of speech in each sentence to make it more elaborate are encouraged!Final Grammar TestWork on memory work!
WritingBegin presenting your myth to class.Practice presenting your myth at least twice!Present variation or sequel to class.Review Poem 4
ReadingFinish Discussing Journey to Jo'BurgRead Moonwalk this week
LatinCh 20 ReviewReview Ch19 & 20Board Wars

HistorySemester Review & Review Timeline SongTimeline Song 1Scandinavia Geo TestTimeline Song 2
GeographyScandinavia - Due 4/25
SciencePendulum Experiment & Define pendulumRead USE p108-109 Write a short summary in your journal Energy Experiment & Review Review Types of Energy Memory work for Mon Assessment
Memory Work
Quarter 4 Poem Due 5/2, Types of Energy 4/30, Scandinavia 4/25, Timeline Song 4/30

Please check Alma for any zeros or missing work and turn in this week.

Coming Soon:
April 23 - May 4 Fortis Art Show
Wednesday, April 25 - Pizza and Spirit Day!

Wednesday, May 9 - Field Day and last day of school!
Start your home school day with prayer and Bible reading.  This month's character virtue is Courage
Math: This week we will be reviewing all previously learned skills. Please assist your student as necessary to ensure mastery of each skill. If they have obviously mastered the skill, there is no need to do every single problem.

With summer almost here, start planning now to help your child retain the math skills they have learned! The following books are great ways to keep sharp over the summer. These are challenging reviews of concepts learned, so choose the level you have just completed or go back, but not up.
Singapore Math Intensive Practice 
Singapore Extra Practice for US Edition
Also note that students should have mastery of all math facts, so be sure to work on them over the summer to keep sharp. There are many ways to practice math facts: games, flashcards, electronic devises, wrap-ups, apps, etc. Let's make a point to not lose ground over the summer!

Composition:  Students will be presenting their original myths to the class this week.  Please have them practice a time or two at home.

Reading: Students should be reading a minimum of 40 minutes per day.  After each chapter students should narrate the passage to parents. Parents should then ask questions about the meaning of the passage and engage in Socratic discussion with their student.

Spelling: Students will analyze six ways to spell the sound of /er/. Also, we are giving our final phonogram assessment. Please give Assessment #4 on Tues. and return to school for recording.

Latin:Listen to Latin chants daily to aid in memorization.

Pendulum: a weight hanging from a string

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry:  Our fourth quarter poem is “The Dentist and the Crocodile”.  Additional copies here
History: Timeline  
Here is a YouTube demonstration the hand motions for the first 6 minutes. Timeline Song
Here is a video of the hand motions for the second 6 minutes of the song: Timeline Song
Geography: We are assessing Scandinavia on Wed. Additional maps here.