4th | 3/19/2018 | 3/20/2018 | 3/21/2018 | 3/22/2018 | 3/23/2018 |
Discipleship | Perseverance + Matthew 5: 1-14 |
Bible | Jer 31:31-34 | Ps 119:9-16 | Heb 5:1-10 | Mk 10:(32-34) 35-45 |
Math | TIG p114-117, appendix a16,17 & 18 | TB p65-67 Review B | HIG p 71-73, TB 68-71 LT 1-3, WB Ex 41 | CCC Ex 41, HIG p.74, TB p72-73: Practice 3A Due Monday for HW grade | Review any missed/unclear problems on Review B to prepare for test on Monday |
Spelling | Step 24: Review New Teaching. Dictate sentences 4-6, Play Sparkle! | Rewrite missed Step 23 test words, Review any shaky phonograms, Card Box, Dictate sentences 7-9. | Step 24 Spelling Test | Step 25 New Teaching. Dictate 10 words | Dictate sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 25 Practice." |
Grammar | Ch 23, L1 Sentences, Ref. 68:Thank you notes, Practice Time. | Ch 23, L2 Sentences, Ref. 69 and Practice Time 2:Make your own invitation. Due Wed. | Ch 23, L3: Parts of a book, Do Practice 5 | Ch 23, L3- Ref. 70. Use a couple books from around home to identify the various parts listed in this reference. Do Practice 1 & 2 |
Writing | Writing from a prompt: p159, Lesson 19: Part 3: KWO of My Favorite Fairy Tale | Complete KWO from Monday. Read "Ha-Ha" on pg 161. for inspiration. | Lesson 19, Part 4 Write RD version of your paragraph about your favorite fairy tale. | L19, Pt 4: Complete RD using composition Checklist p162. Co-teachers, use the checklist to ensure proper mechanics and style are in place. |
Reading | Begin reading classical book of choice. Pace yourself to complete the book in three weeks. |
Latin | Ch 17 Review, Begin Ch 18 | Ch 18 Memory Page | Review Game | Review Chants & Ch 18 Memory Page |
History | Complete sharing Vietnam Era interviews & SOTW Ch 38 "Soviet Invasions" | Read Age of Information & Globalization #155 & Timeline Song 1 | Read SOTW Ch36: JFK | Read "Watergate, President Nixon Resigns" #156 & Timeline Song 2 |
Geography | Eastern Europe | Review Eastern Europe map for test next week | Eastern Europe |
Science | Introduce Magnet & Electricity Memory Work, Read Physics experiments for Children p87-88 & Experiment: Can magnets attract through substances? | Read USE p232-233 Magnetism, Write 2-4 sentence summary in journal, Define "Magnets" and "Poles" | Project: Potato Clock Step 1-8, Physics Quiz sent home | Give Physics Quiz, Work on Magnet poem memory work |
Memory Work | Eastern Europe Due 3/28, Magnet Poem Due 4/9, Timeline Song Due 4/30, Quarter 4 Poem Due 5/2 |
Math: Continue doing a 5 min warm-up with a Math fact sheet of your choice and 5 min of Mental Math. Work through MM 15 this week. This week we will:1. Review conversion of measurements
2. Multiply and divide length, weight, volume, and time in compound units.
3. Review and practice multiplying and dividing decimal numbers.
4. Practice word problems involving decimals. Composition:
Students will learn to write one paragraph from a prompt. This is accomplished by asking themselves questions, answering them in a KWO,and using the outline to write a paragraph complete with topic sentence, dress-ups and a final clincher. Reading: Students should be reading a minimum of 40 minutes per day. After each chapter students should narrate the passage to parents. Parents should then ask questions about the meaning of the passage and engage in Socratic discussion with their student.
1. Students will learn how to write a thank you note.
2. Students will learn how to write an invitation: who, what, when, where, "whipped cream".
3. Students will be able to identify the parts of a book: title page, copyright page, preface, body, table of contents, appendix, glossary, bibliography, index.
Spelling: Learn to spell words with the ending /awt/ spelled ought and words with a followed by l.
Latin:Listen to Latin chants daily to aid in memorization.
Science: Vocabulary Definitions:
Magnets - an object that attracts iron or steel and other alloys
Pole - either of the two points on a magnet where the force of attraction or repulsion is strongest
Memory Work: Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry: Our fourth quarter poem is “The Dentist and the Crocodile”. Additional copies here History: Timeline
Here is a YouTube demonstration the hand motions for the first 6 minutes. Timeline Song Here is a video of the hand motions for the second 6 minutes of the song: Timeline Song Geography: We are assessing Eastern Europe on Wednesday. Additional maps here.