Coming Soon:
Monday, Oct 23 - Picture Retakes
Monday, Oct 23 - Picture Retakes
Wednesday, Oct 25 - Pizza Day! Crazy hair and sock day!!
Friday, Oct 27 - Dodgeball Tournament 5-8:30 pm, Austin Sports Center
Monday, Oct 30 - Historical Dress-Up Day
Objective: Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence. Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading. Our Character Virtue of the month is Obedience, this week focusing on cooperativeness/attentiveness. Kids of Integrity has some great activities, Bible stories, games, and prayers to help you instill this character trait in your child. Attentiveness
Monday, Oct 30 - Historical Dress-Up Day
Objective: Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence. Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading. Our Character Virtue of the month is Obedience, this week focusing on cooperativeness/attentiveness. Kids of Integrity has some great activities, Bible stories, games, and prayers to help you instill this character trait in your child. Attentiveness
Continue doing a 5 min warm-up with the assigned Math fact sheet. If your child has mastered the current fact sheet, move on the next one. Do 5 min of Mental Math daily working through MM 18 this week.
1. Find the whole when given the fractional part.
2. Solve two-step word problems which involve fractions of a set.
3. Practice solving problems involving fractions.
4. Review previously learned concepts, reteaching where necessary.
Please complete all the work assigned for home days, including workbook and practice exercises, as well as math facts practice. Please grade all work by first indicating which answers are incorrect and then giving your student an opportunity to correct his/her mistakes before offering assistance.
Objective: Write, edit, and complete a polished three paragraph final draft of Theseus & the Minotaur
1. Know and apply capitalization rules.
1. Know and apply capitalization rules.
2. Know and apply punctuation rules.
On Monday, please use Theseus and the Minotaur from IEW to highlight all capitalized words in the story. Then use your grammar book to identify and write above each capitalized letter the rule number that applies. On Wednesday, go through the same process, but for punctuation. This will be a good exercise in combining curriculum and making sense of how grammar applies everywhere!
1. Review 5 ways to spell the sound of /er/
Step 9 Spelling Test was returned on Monday. Please have your student correctly rewrite any misspelled words five times and return it to school on Wed. Continue to review phonogram cards.
1. Review and memorize the vocabulary words and the maxims for Ch6-9.
2.Be able to list the endings of all 1st Declension nouns & 2nd Declension masculine & neuter nouns
Listen to Latin chants daily to aid in memorization.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Objectives: 1. Watch Billy Graham and discuss the impact he made around the world
Objectives: 1. Watch Billy Graham and discuss the impact he made around the world
2. Identify works of art from 20th century artists
3. Begin memorizing first and last names of US Presidents
For those of you who would like extra history resources to extend the lessons at home, I'll be adding a few ideas to the blog each week. These are completely optional.
Tues: If you'd like a sampling of Billy Graham's sermons to watch & discuss with your child, here are a few to choose from:
Billy Graham
Thurs: This week's history card lists several 20th century art and literature movements. We will be looking at a few examples of the artists mentioned on Wednesday. However, there are so many more artists during this time period, many of whom produced beautiful works. If you would like a more complete listing and/or timeline, check out the art movement timeline on this website. 20th Century Art Timeline
We are beginning our memorization of the US Presidents. Students will be responsible for all presidents' first and last names. Assessment is not until 2/21/81, but I want to give them plenty of time to memorize. If you'd like to make flashcards, here are some president picture memory cards.
1. Know that friction tends to slow down moving objects that are touching.
2. Know that gravity is the force that attracts objects together.
Friction Memory Work:
Friction helps us
Get a grip
So that we don't slip
Memory Work: Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Memory Work: Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry: Our second quarter poem is "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening". Additional copies here.
History: All US Presidents There are several YouTube video songs. Here are two:
US Presidents to "America"
US Presidents
US Presidents to "America"
US Presidents
Timeline: You can find a YouTube video of the timeline song with pictures of the cards and dates on here.
Here is a YouTube demonstration the hand motions for the first 6 minutes. Timeline Song
Here is a video of the hand motions for the second 6 minutes of the song: Timeline Song
Lyrics and hand motions to accompany the timeline song :Classical Conversation History Card timeline-motions
Geography: We are continuing our study of Southern Europe this week. Additional maps found here.
All Geography songs and maps are found here.
Here is a video of the hand motions for the second 6 minutes of the song: Timeline Song
Lyrics and hand motions to accompany the timeline song :Classical Conversation History Card timeline-motions
Geography: We are continuing our study of Southern Europe this week. Additional maps found here.
All Geography songs and maps are found here.