Fortis Academy 4th Grade: April 24 - 28

DiscipleshipCourage + Proverbs 3:1-23
MathReview EComplete TB Review E as further preparation for tomorrow's final math test. Co-teachers, check for understanding and accuracy as these concepts will be on the final test.Final Math TestCongratulations on completing Singapore Math 4A & 4B!
ReadingFinish reading classical book of your choice. Last reading narration of the year! Due Monday
CompositionFinal Draft of variation or sequel due. Begin presenting to class.Optional: Make illustrations or props to go with your myth!Present variation or sequel to class.No IEW, use this time to work on science project.
GrammarClassify a classmate's original sentence & Final Grammar TestNo Grammar--Use time to work on memory workWrite letters to next year's 4th graders!

SpellingWork on EOY programReview for Monday's Spelling Bee. (words will be chosen at random from our Level 5 book).Spelling ReviewReview for Monday's Spelling Bee. (words will be chosen at random from our Level 5 book).
HistoryNelson MandelaL82 9/11 & Osama bin Laden        JamieGeo Test: US Capitals & 9/11Work on science projectNo History Narration!
ScienceReview, Projects, and Experiments - choose a end of lesson (unit) project or experiment to complete at home. Incorporate the Scientific Method into your experiments. You may present your experiment and results to the class on Monday. 
GeographyUS Capitals Due 4/26
Memory WorkQuarter 4 Poem Due 5/1, Key dates #37-48 Due 5/1
LatinPL Lesson 24Copybook L 24Final Board Wars!

Wednesday, April 26 - Pizza Day! 
Friday, April 21 - Fine Arts Night (Elective Showcase) 7pm 
Monday April 24 - May 3 Spring Art Show
Thursday, April 27 - "Madam Butterfly" Opera Field Trip
Wednesday, May 3 - End of year program & Field Day!
Start your home school day with prayer and Bible reading.  This month's character virtue is Courage. has some great Bible studies and lessons to help you instill this character quality in your child.

1. Review previously learned concepts, reteaching where necessary.
2. Assess mastery of concepts learned this year. 

In order to prevent "summer slide", you may want to do some review over the summer.   The Singapore Math Primary Mathematics US Edition Extra Practice books are an excellent resource for reviewing all that was taught in A and B this year. These books can be found on the Singapore Math website as well as
Singapore Math Intensive Practice books are another great resource. These are challenging reviews of concepts learned and divided into A and B, so are not as attainable to complete over summer.  Choose the grade level you just completed, or go back a level, but not up. 

1. Your student should aim to read for 30-40 minutes each home day.
2. Your student should write a 4-6 sentence summary (narration) that demonstrates comprehension of the book he/she is reading.    

Objective: Review spelling words, rules and phonograms learned this year.
As noted, choose one of the end of lesson projects and complete it at home.   Students can bring their project to school to share with the class on Monday, May, 1st.  It's fine for families with multiple students to work together on one project.
Our final Key Dates assessment will be Monday, May 1st.

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
History:  Memorize Key Dates from Vol. 4:
The American Revolution 1765-1783
The French Revolution 1789-1799
The Fall of Napoleon at Waterloo June 18, 1815
Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto  1848
Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution 1859
The War Between the States 1861 - 1865
World War 1 1914-1918 
The Great Depression  1929
World War II 1939-1945 
The Formation of Israel   May 14, 1948
Man Walks on the Moon   July 20, 1969 
The Collapse of the Soviet Union  Dec. 26, 1991

Geography: The names of the 50 US State Capitals will be assessed 4/26. A song for memorizing the US Capitals can be found here.    A computer game for learning states & capitals can be found here.  A rap song with states & capitals can be found on this YouTube video. 
Students K-12 are expected to retain the geography they were assessed on this summer. Please continue to review these countries, states, and provinces.
Poetry: "In Christ Alone"  Due 5/1  Additional copies may be found here 
If you would like to listen to the song, a YouTube video  can be found here.
Scripture:  Continue memorizing Proverbs 3:1-23.