Fortis Academy 4th Grade: Feb 20 - 24

DiscipleshipHonesty (Trustworthiness)+ Proverbs 3:1-18
MathHIG p45-46 TB p45 LT 1-6 WB Ex 28HIG p 47-48, WB Ex 29HIG p 49-50, TB p 48 LT 7-14, WB Ex 30-31HIG p 51, TB p 50-51 LT 15-18, WB Ex 32-33Do Math Buddies for additional practice, Review division facts in preparation for next week.
ReadingNumber the Stars: Read Chaps. 1-5 this week.No Narration. Work on Poem 3 for recitation Monday
CompositionL16, P3: Prepositional Openers & P4 KWO The Knight's of the Round Table.Finish L16, P4 KWO and the Vocab. Study pg 135.L17, P1 KWO Finish L17 P1 KWO if not completed in class, Vocab. Study pg 139. Complete L17, P2 Brainstorm.
GrammarCh 20, L1 Sentences. Review Ref. 59: Linking Verbs, Practice Time.Ch 20, L2 Sentences, Ref. 60, Complete Practice 1 and 2. Ch 20, L3 Sentences, Metaphors, Complete Ch 20 L4 Activity Time: Color Poem Ch 19, L4 Test. Skip Exercises 2, 5, and 7.
SpellingStep 21: Review phonograms & New Teaching, DS 4-6 on same paper started Thurs, Play Sparkle!Review Phonograms as needed. Review Card box. Dictate sentences 7-9. Complete Reinforcement and Writing Station words if presentStep 21 Spelling TestStep 22 New Teaching. Dictate 10 words and sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 21 Practice." Administer the Classical Phonics Assessment Tracker 3 (see note below), grade in red pen, have student make corrections. We will have a phonogram test next week. Use this tracker as a guide to further prepare if needed.
HistoryWW II ActivitiesL61* World War II: Part 3   SethGeo: West Indies Test, & WW IIL62* World War II: Part 4     KateL59-62 Key Date #45, Write and score one narration, Due Mon
ScienceTry This! pgs. 204 and 213Read pgs. 214 - 218, begin at Switching Things Around What Do You Remember? and Notebooking Activities (fascinating facts) pgs. 217-218Read pgs. 220-223, stop at My Magnetic Domain
GeographyWest Indies Due 2/22, 2/23 Introduce US Locations Due 4/5 *Please note that US locations and capitals are tested separately. Capitals will be assessed after locations of states.
Memory WorkQuarter 3 Poem Due 2/27, Key dates #37-45 Due 3/6 , Gettysburg Address (3rd-5th grade) Due 3/22, Presidents of the United States of America Due 4/19
LatinPL 19Copybook 19Board Wars

Coming Soon:
Saturday, Feb 25 - Pancake Breakfast at Mighty Fine!
Wednesday, Feb 22 - Pizza Day! 
Monday, Feb 27 - Third Quarter Poem due 

Note: The end of the quarter is just two weeks away, so be sure to check Teacher Ease for any missing assignments and turn them in by Wed. 3/1 to receive credit.
Start your home school day with prayer and Bible reading.  Our Character Virtue of the month is Honesty, this week focusing on trustworthiness. has wonderful resources to help instill this character trait in your child.

Work through Mental Math 9 & 10 this week.
Math Facts: Start each day with a 5 min warm up using the  Math Facts Practice sheets.  Please continue doing facts practice sheets daily at home until all facts are completely mastered.
Workbook Exercises: Please check these daily and have students make corrections.

Math Buddies: We encourage you to regularly use this web site to help you better understand how to teach a lesson and to provide opportunities for your child to practice new skills or review previously learned concepts that they may need extra practice with
Math Buddies login page
Optional Math Buddies: Multiplying Decimals

We begin reading Number the Stars this week.  Please bring your book to school each day, and make sure your name is written on it.

Administer the Classical Phonics Assessment and return to school next Monday.  You need only do Assessment 3 if your student scored well on previous Assessments 1 & 2.  Here are instructions for administering the assessment.

Phonogram Drill Form (written portion) - Parents, read the sound or sounds on the card. Or if you prefer, you can play the sound on the AAS app.  Your student should then write the corresponding phonogram in the box. Mark any your child missed.
Classical Phonics Assessment Tracker (oral portion) - Show the card to the student. He or she should be able to correctly identify all the sounds associated with that card. Please note any phonograms your child missed on the form.
Students who are due to create a timeline figure are listed in red in the above table after the lesson number. The following class day, they will show the class the figure, tell  2-3 important points about the lesson, and place their figure on the classroom timeline.
Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
  Memorize Key Dates from Vol. 4:  Due 3/6

The American Revolution 1765-1783
The French Revolution 1789-1799
The Fall of Napoleon at Waterloo June 18, 1815
Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto  1848
Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution 1859
The War Between the States 1861 - 1865
World War 1 1914-1918 
The Great Depression  1929
World War II 1939-1945

Memorize the Gettysburg Address    Due 3/22
Memorize the Presidents of the United States Due 4/19  Here is list of the presidents,
and a mp3 link for a song to help with memorization.  Here are some president picture memory cards.  Assessment will be oral.
Geography: Continue memorizing the West Indies.  To be assessed 2/22 West Indies Original
West Indies Geography Game
 All maps and songs can be found here.
Poetry: "The Village Blacksmith" due 2/27.  Additional copies may be found here.
Scripture:  Continue memorizing Proverbs 3:1-23.  Additional copies may be found here.