Fortis Academy 4th Grade: Oct. 10-14

DiscipleshipObedience (Respect)+ Proverbs 3:1-7
MathHIG p63, TB p 58-59, WB Ex 27HIG p64-65, TB p59 LT 2-3, WB 28 CCCHIG p66-67, TB p60 LT 4, WB Ex 29, Send home copies of Ex 26HIG p68-69, TB p60 LT 5-6, WB Ex 30 CCCHIG p61-62, TB p47, LT 19-12, WB Ex 26 CCC
ReadingBegin reading Chap 11 in classRead "Early Thunder" Chaps 11-end this week.  See note below.Complete and score one reading narration. Use red pen to score. Due next Monday.
CompositionLesson 6, Part 1: The Story Sequence Chart and Outline,  Introduce Poem 2Lesson 6, Part 2: Source Text and Story Sequence Outline. Practice retelling from your outline. Read Aloud: The Mercury & the Woodman and Demeter & PersephoneL6, P3: Story Sequence Outline together. Practice retelling.Retell using your SS Outline & complete Lesson 6, Part 4: Brainstorm. Complete Vocab. Study pg. 60.
GrammarCh8, L1:Helping VerbsCh 8, L2: Jingle 14, Adverb "not",classify sentences, Practice sentenceCh 8, L3: Irregular VerbsReview Helping Verb Chart, Complete the Test Time section in TM pg 139 orally as a review, and for fun Activity Time -Acrostic Poem.
SpellingStep 8: Review New Teaching, review phonograms, DS 4-6 on same paper started Thurs, Play Sparkle! Step 8: Review card box & phonograms,  DS 7-9Step 8 Spelling TestStep 9 : New teaching, Dictate 10 words & sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 9 Practice".
HistoryThe Fall of Napoleon, Key Dates ReviewL20 Simon Bolivar: Liberator of South America    SethQuarter 1 ReviewQuarter 2 intro pgs. 120-122, L23 The Trail of Tears (Kate), Study  Key Dates for Test on MonL21 and L 22 are optional
ScienceWhat Do You Remember? and Notebooking Activities pgs. 93-94Read pgs. 97-102, stop at Newton's Second Law of MotionTry This! pgs. 99, 100Read pgs. 102-106, begin at Newton's Second Law of Motion
GeographySouth America Due 10/19
Memory WorkKey dates #37-39 Due 10/17, Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America Due 11/2, Quarter 2 Poem Due 12/5
LatinPL 7Copybook L7Board WarsReview Copybook L7 vocabulary.

October 17--Key Dates Test 1
October 24 – Picture Retakes
October 26 – Pizza Day!  Students may wear spirit shirts.
October 28 – Dodge Ball Tournament
October 31 – Historical Dress Up Day

HIG- Home Instructor Guide
KWO-Key Word Outline
Grammar- Shurley English
LT- Learning Task
RD- Rough Draft
Composition-Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales
CCC-Complete, check, correct
FD- Final Draft
TB- Textbook (oral)
CC-  Copy cursive book
NT- New Teaching
WB- Workbook
TM (S)- Teacher's Manual (Supp)
DS - Dictate Sentences
MM- Mental Math
L- Lesson

Start your home school day with prayer and Bible reading.  Our Character Virtue of the month is obedience.  A helpful resource is available at 
Here you can download lesson plans, Bible stories, hands-on activities, and even a parent prayer to help instill this character quality in your child.

You may notice that the lessons are slightly out of order this week.  The lesson which goes with WB Ex 26 is relatively easy compared to the other concepts we are learning this week, and we've already touched on it in class.  With this in mind, I've scheduled it for Friday instead of Monday.  That way, we can cover the new, more challenging concepts earlier in the week.

Math Facts: Start each day with a 5 min warm up using the  Math Facts Practice sheets. This week we will work on division facts at school.   Please continue doing facts practice sheets daily at home until all facts are completely mastered.
Mental Math: Continue your warm up with 5 minutes of Mental Math. This week work through Mental Math 16-18  in the HIG appendix.
Workbook Exercises: Please check these daily and have students make corrections.
Math Buddies: We encourage you to regularly use this web site to help you better understand how to teach a lesson and to provide opportunities for your child to practice new skills or review previously learned concepts that they may need extra practice with
Math Buddies login page
Optional Math Buddies: Fractions of a Set

Bar Modeling: Bar modeling is a key component of problem solving. We will now do a practice "Bar Model of the Day" each day at school along with our normal math facts and mental math warm-ups.  Encourage your student to use bar models for all word problems, even if they can solve without one, as it's good practice for the more difficult word problems.
We are beginning Unit 3 this week: summarizing narrative stories.  In this unit, outlines will be different from the KWO they have been doing, where they pick key words from each sentence.  They will now by asking and answering questions about the characters, setting, conflict, climax, and resolution.  Please note:  the answers will not always go on the line across from the question, and sometimes it may take more than one line to answer a question. The goal is to outline the story elements in order to retell it in their own words.

Objectives for this unit:
1.  For students to learn to identify the story sequence in a narrative story.
2.  For students to learn to make outlines based on the story sequence chart.
3.  For students to summarize stories from their outlines and consequently internalize the  components of a well-constructed story.
4.  To introduce the idea that each paragraph has a purpose.

We will complete our reading Early Thunder this week. Bring book to school each day, as we will be reading and discussing it in class.
This week,  please have your child choose a classical book to begin reading next week. Here is a great resource for choosing a book.
Write and score a narration on any one chapter of this week's reading and return to school on Monday.  Reading 

Continue to review phonogram cards until your student has mastered them.
Students who are due to create a timeline figure are listed in red in the above table after the lesson number. The following class day, they will show the class the figure, tell  2-3 important points about the lesson, and place their figure on the classroom timeline.

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
History:  Memorize Key Dates from Vol. 4 for the Key Dates Test on Monday:

                                       The American Revolution 1765-1783

                                        The French Revolution 1789-1799  

                                       The Fall of Napoleon at Waterloo 1815

Continue memorizing the Preamble to the Constitution.  If you'd like a song to help with memorization, here's a link to the YouTube Schoolhouse Rock version: Preamble Video, or if you prefer lyrics only: Preamble
Geography:  South America.  Pray for the nations of South America!   All maps and songs can be found here.
Scripture:  We will be memorizing Proverbs 3:1-23 over the course of this year.  A copy of the passage was placed in your student's binder on Monday.  Additional copies may be found here.