Fortis Academy 4th Grade - Week 10 - October 15-21


4th Grade Week 10Tuesday
Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipFortitude-" Then David said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God, is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished." 1 Chronicles 28:20
No school
Deuteronomy 6Deuteronomy 7-8 select versesDeuteronomy 30:15-20
MathFP-H or I,
Ch. 6, L2:
TB pgs. 141-144,
WB pgs. 130-132
Ch. 6, L3:
TB pgs. 145-147,
WB pgs. 133-135
FP H or I,
Ch. 6, L4
Practice A
TB pgs. 148-149,
WB pg. 136
Complete Fraction Drills sent homeDrill sheets are great practice for Mental Math.
SpellingStep 8: Review New Teaching, review phonograms, DS 4-6
Play Sparkle!
Step 8 Spelling TestStep 9:
New teaching, dictate 10 words
Dictate sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 9 Practice."
GrammarCh 8, L4 Test for practice only. Skip Exercises 4 & 7Class discussion on Ch. 8 Practice TestReview any areas where your child struggles.Please check Ch 8 Test & help your student make any needed corrections.
WritingBegin Daedalus FD. Underline and label all dress-ups.Finding the Main Idea and Topic SentencesComplete Daedalus FD using rubric to ensure you have all requirements. Due Tues., Stapled in this order: Rubric, FD, RD
ReadingRead Mary Poppins Ch. 4 and complete questionsRead Mary Poppins Ch. 5 & discussRead Ch 6 and complete questionsRemember, unless the blog specifically says "Orally Narrate" you need to have your child write the answers in their journal. If they don't have enough room, use a separate sheet of paper. Proofread your child's work to ensure correct spelling, punctuation and complete sentences. By consistently proofreading their work and making them go back and get it right, we are training them to not "slop" through things and do their best work.
HistoryRead Ireland's Troubles pgs. 141-146 and answer questions in your journal.The Irish Potato FamineRead Brazil's Republic pgs. 157-161 and answer journal questions.
GeographyReview Southern EuropeSouthern Europe Test
ScienceRead TB p104-105 Answering NBp110 questions as you go.BeesRead TB p106-108 Complete WDYR p110
Memory WorkGEOGRAPHY: Southern Europe Due 10/17
POEM 2: Recitation due 12/5
KEY DATES: 1-6 Due 12/10

Coming Soon!

Tuesday, Oct. 15 - Parent/teacher conferences - no school
Thursday, Oct 24 - Spirit day, pizza day, DOGS day!
Friday, Oct. 25 - Fortis Fall Festival at Glad Tidings Church
Thursday, Oct. 31 - Historical Dress Up Day

Note: Our class is studying the time period of 1850-modern day in history. For Historical Dress-Up day, students may dress as any historical figure that lived during that timeframe of history. 


Our Character Virtue of the month is Fortitude. Fortitude is the strength of character to do what is right even in the face of difficulty and hardship. Fruit of the Spirit: Patience


Continue working on memorizing math facts until mastered. Start each day with a Facts Practice warm-up of either multiplication or division.


1. Compare fractions by finding common denominators or numerators.

2. Express fractions greater than 1 as improper fractions and mixed numbers.

3. Practice using multiplication and division to generate equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, and expressing mixed numbers.

4. Use mental math to simplify fractions quickly.



Objective: Spell common holidays and words with /uff/ spelled ough.




1. Complete a polished 3-paragraph narrative story on Daedalus and Icarus.
2. Identify the main idea of a paragraph.
3. Practice making topic sentences.
4. Write a paragraph with topic sentence and supporting details.
1. Identify problems Ireland faced in the mid-1800s.
2. Know that Pedro II made the slave trade illegal, freed slaves, and finally made slavery illegal in Brazil.
1. Identify characteristics of bumblebees, Africanized honeybees, and solitary bees.
2. Identify characteristics of wasps and hornets.
3. Watch the honey-making process of bees.
Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry:  Our second quarter poem is "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." Additional copies here.
Geography:  We will have our test over Southern Europe this week. The song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map. A word bank is provided.
History: Key Dates for 2nd quarter:
The War Between the States                        1861-1865
World War I                                                  1914-1918
Lenin & the Russian Revolution                   1917
The Great Depression 1929-1939
World War II 1939-1945
The Cold War 1945-1991