Fortis Academy 4th Grade - Week 5: September 10 - 16


4th Grade Week 5Tuesday
Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipFear of the Lord - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” -Proverbs 9:10
BibleGenesis 40-41Read/discuss Genesis 42Genesis 43-45Genesis 46:1-7 and 47:6-11
Ch. 3, L5:
TB pgs. 72-75;
WB pgs. 60-62
Ch 3, L6 Practice;
TB pgs. 76-78
See note below.
Ch. 3 Review and Quiz; multiplication practice.
Ch. 4, L1 Multiplication
TB pgs. 80-83;
WB pgs. 67-68
Work on mastering multiplication facts 1-10; Make multiplication table, do flashcards, play games, etc.
SpellingStep 3: Review new teaching and phonograms; DS 4-6;
Play Sparkle!
Step 3: Review card box and phonograms; DS 7-9 (Check for accuracy).Step 3 TestStep 4: New Teaching and dictate new words.DS 1-3 on paper titled "Step 4"Please make sure the completed Classical Phonics Assessment 1 is in their binder as it is due for grade recording on Tuesday.
GrammarCh. 5, L1 Prepositional Phrases and Jingles 7-9; Grammar TimeListen to Jingles 7-9. Orally list as many prepositions as you can. Ch. 5, L2: Grammar TimeCh. 5, L2: Write a practice sentence and Ch. 3, L5: 3-point expository paragraphCh. 5, L3: Grammar Time and Do Activity/Assignment Time TM pg. 81 on copy paper. Write 3 original sentences with prepositional phrases for each section and illustrate one. Due Tues.
WritingShort Vocab. Quiz. Writer's Conference & begin writing FD of The Mule and His Buyer. Read Milkmaid source text.Complete FD of The Mule and His Buyer. Due tomorrow. Complete KWO for Milkmaid, if not completed in class.Write RD of Milkmaid, complete style practice pg. 35.Complete Milkmaid RD. Remember to underline and label dress-ups.Reminder: underline vocab words and label "VOC" in left margin; underline dress-ups and label dress-up type in right margin. Name and date goes in upper right-hand margin.
ReadingDiscussionRead Ch. 13.
Choose and complete one final project from Ch. 12 or 13 from the Research, Writing & Drawing section in your journal.
Due Thurs.
The Good Master final discussion. Introduce The Perilous Road, complete Vocab, and Read Ch. 1.Read The Perilous Road Ch. 2 and orally answer questions 1-7 in journal pg. 4-5. Write out answers to Literary Devices (pg. 5) and add sensory words to chart on pg. 6.Yellow Reading Journals will be graded for The Good Master this week, please remember to pack it.
HistoryShare Civil War Hero reportsDo some brief research on an assigned topic and be prepared to share it with classmates tomorrow.Civil War student research discussions. Start assembling Civil War Lapbooks.Continue to assemble Civil War Lapbook from yesterday's reportsFinish Civil War Lapbook and present to a family member (bring to class on Tuesday).A handout explaining the Civil War lapbook project will be sent home Thursday. We will start it in class and finish at home. Due next Tuesday for sharing.
GeographySouthern Europe
ScienceComplete & Incomplete MetamorphosisRead TB pgs. 64-67and orally narrate.Insect Anatomy & Classification of Life TestRead TB pgs. 68-69. Answer three WDYR questions of your choice on page 78. Optional: Make "lep minibook" in NB pgs. 79-83.The Thursday Test will not have a word bank. Ensure they know the terms and how to correctly spell them. Always answer journal questions in complete sentences.
Memory WorkPOEM 1, Due for Recitation on 10/3
GEOGRAPHY: Southern Europe Due 10/17
KEY DATES: 1-3 Test on 10/1
SCIENCE: Insect anatomy, classification of life Test on 9/12

Team 4th grade is heading into to Week 5 and everyone is working hard!  -Mrs. Woolsey

September dates to remember:

September 12 – Spirit Day – wear spirit shirt and jeans/jean shorts

September 14 – Dodgeball Tournament (6pm-8pm @ Glad Tidings Church)

September 26 – Spirit/DOGS/Pizza Day!



Our Character Virtue of the month is Fear of the Lord. Fear of the Lord is knowing and understanding the glory and majesty of God. Fruit of the Spirit:  Faithfulness.


Math:  Begin math with a 5-minute warm-up of multiplication practice using Facts Practice H.  Strive to memorize multiplication facts (at least 1-10) ASAP (the binder has a multiplication chart in it that your student can review for additional help in memorizing). Do multiplication drills everywhere! In the car, randomly during the day, when your child says “they’re bored!”


1. Find common factors.

2. Practice finding multiples and factors of a given number.

3. Assessment of multiples and factors.

4. Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a one-digit number using mental math.

5. Memorize multiplication facts 1-10.



Objective: Spell words ending in “tion” and alphabetize to the fourth letter.

Note:  Please make sure the completed Classical Phonics Assessment 1 is in their binder as it is due for grade recording on Tuesday. 



1. Learn about life during the Civil War.

2. Increase vocabulary.

3. Identify personification in literature.

4. Identify sensory language in literature.




1. Assess vocabulary words.

2. Add a who/which clause in order to dress up a complete sentence.

3. Incorporate new vocabulary and "ly" words into composition.

4. Create a title that repeats or reflects key words from the final sentence.



1. Identify and label prepositions and prepositional phrases.

2. Practice writing sentences containing a subject noun, verb, adjectives, adverbs, and a prepositional phrase.




1. Present findings of a Civil War hero to classmates.

2. Learn about life in America during and after the Civil War. 

3. Write a paragraph describing life in the USA after the Civil War.




1. Describe the stages of incomplete metamorphosis.

2. Assess insect anatomy and the classification of life.

3. Continue to collect and identify insects.


·       Here's a website to help with identification: TRENDING & MOST COMMON — Texas Insect Identification Tools (


·       Here is a comprehensive booklet about Texas insects that you can print or use for reference and insect identification:


·       Information on pinning and labeling insects:



Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.

Poetry:  Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard". 

Geography:  We are studying Southern Europe. The song and map can be found on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map.

Science: Classification of Life (written in order): Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. There is not a word bank for this assessment. Please ensure they know the terms and how to spell them.