Fortis Academy 4th Grade: Aug 26 - 30, 2019

4th Grade Week 38/26/20198/27/20198/28/20198/29/20198/30/2019
BibleGen 21:1-8, 22:1-18Genesis 24Gen 27Genesis 28
MathHIG p17-18, TB p23-26, LT 1-11, WB Ex 10FP-B or G, HIG p20-22, TB p28-30 LT 1-4, WB Ex 11Review Mult & HIG p23-24, TB p 31-33, LT 5,6,8-10. Start WB Ex 12 problem 1FP B or G, HIG p25-26, TB p31-32. WB Ex 12 #2Spend 1 hour on Aleks math, especially focusing on  multiplication & division
SpellingStep 2: Review new teaching, Reinforcement & Writing Station Words, Review Phonograms, DS 4-6Step 2: Review card box, phonograms, Dictate Sentences 7-9 Check for accuracy.Step 2 TestStep 3: New Teaching p27-30, Dictate new wordsDS 1-3 on paper titled "Step 2 Practice"
GrammarAdverb quiz, Ch 2, L5: Adjectives and Articles, Memorize adj questionsChap 3, Lesson 1, TM p.26-27Ch 3, L2: Pattern 1 Sentences, Subject/Predicate & Ch3 L2 Noun Job ChartChap 3, Lesson 3: Review Ref 10, Classify Sentences & Do Ch 3, L3 Practice 1-3 (TM p36)
WritingThe Four Oxen & the Lioness KWO & -ly dress-up, vocab practiceUsing your KWO and composition checklist, write a RD of The Four Oxen & the LionessEdit rough draft. Review proofreading symbols handout, Begin FDComplete final draft started in class. Due Mon. Use rubric to ensure all components are present. Read Aloud:The Miser, The Bear, & The Two Pots
ReadingDiscuss The Good Master Chap 8, Begin Ch 9Complete Ch 9, Read Ch 10DiscussionRead Ch 11We will have our final discussion of The Great Master on Wed & begin reading The Perilous Road next week.
LatinCh 2 Memory Page & Grammar LessonReview Ch 1 & Ch 2 Chants, charts, Make flashcards for new vocabularyGrammar review & game Complete Ch 2 story, Review chants & flashcards
HistoryDavid Livingstone and the exploration of AfricaRead SOTW p29-34 "Wandering Through Africa" and write a paragraph in your journal recalling what you admire about David LivingstoneChina during the mid 1800'sRead p41-46 The Taiping Rebellion and write 3-4 interesting facts in your journal
GeographyReview Continents and Oceans Review Oceans & ContinentsTest
ScienceInsect Collecting, Handouts sent homeRead p139-142Experiment & field dayRead p143-146 Create an insect zoo OR Work on your insect collectionInsect Collecting
Memory WorkPOEM 1, Due for Recitation on 10/2
GEOGRAPHY: Continents and Oceans Test on 8/28
KEY DATES: 1-3 Test on 9/30
SCIENCE: Insect anatomy, classification of life Test on 9/9

HIG- Home Instructor Guide
KWO-Key Word Outline
NB-Science Notebook
LT- Learning Task
RD- Rough Draft
SOTW-Story of the World Vol 4
TB- Textbook 
FD- Final Draft
WB- Workbook
Grammar- Shurley English
NT- New Teaching
CCC-Complete, check, correct
TM - Teacher's Manual 
DS - Dictate Sentences
MM- Mental Math
FP - Math Facts Practice Sheet
L- Lesson
Coming Soon:
Monday, August 26 - Open House, 6-7 p.m.
Wednesday, August 28 - Pizza Day! Spirit Day-students may wear Fortis spirit shirts with jeans
Monday, Sept 2 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL!
Objective:  Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.
Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading. 

1. Understand the concept of multiples 
2. Determine if a number is a multiple of a 1-digit number
3. List multiples of a 1-digit number
4. Find common multiples
5. Practice concepts involving factors and multiples
6. Multiply a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number
7. Divide a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number

Start with 5 min of addition practice using Facts Practice A.  When your child can complete FP-A correctly in 5 min, move on to FP-B (subtraction) or FP-G (multiplication).

Do 5 min of Mental Math using MM 3 & 4 in the HIG appendix.  Don't strive to finish all problems in this time.    The goal is to be able to calculate answers mentally. 

1. Learn about life in Hungary in the early 1900’s
2. Engage in meaningful Socratic discussion
3. Increase vocabulary


1. Create a KWO from a source text.
2. Write a rough draft of fable using KWO and composition checklist.
3. Incorporate new vocabulary
4 .Correctly incorporate “ly” words into composition.
5. Write a polished final draft of fable

1.  Recognize and identify adjectives and article adjectives.
2.  Identify adverbs that modify adjectives and adverbs.
2.  Identify nouns as "common" or proper" and "singular" or "plural."
3.  Identify the simple subject and simple predicate of a sentence.

1. Know that David Livingstone went to Africa to care for the sick and preach Christianity
2. Recognize problems facing China in the mid 1800's: corrupt government and opium addiction

1. Know how to collect and identify insects.
2.Understand different types of insect eyes, mouths, legs and wings
3. Create an insect zoo or collection for observation

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry:  Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard".  Additional copies here.
Geography:  We will be assessing Oceans & Continents on Wednesday. Students will label oceans and Continents on a
map and will be provided with a word bank.
Continents & Oceans song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page.
History: Key Dates for 1st quarter:
The War Between the States                         1861-1865
World War I                                                         1914-1918
Lenin & the Russian Revolution                     1917
Science: Classification of Life: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
Label an insect: head, thorax, abdomen, mouthparts, eye, antennae, forewing, hindwing, 6 legs, and know functions of each part.