Please check Alma weekly for any missing work.
Coming Soon!
Wednesday, Nov 14 - Thanksgiving Program 1:30-3:00
Nov 19 - 23 Thanksgiving Break!
Objective: Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.
Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading. Our Character Virtue of the month is Self-Control.
Kids of Integrity has wonderful resources to aid you in developing this virtue in your child.
Continue doing a 5 min warm-up with the Math fact sheet of your choice.
Work through Mental Math 18 this week.
1. Solve problems using information from bar graphs
2. Collect and present data
3. Estimate and measure angles.
4. Recognize angles of 90 and 180 degrees.
5. Construct angles.
Please complete all the work assigned for home days, including workbook and practice exercises, as well as math
facts practice. Please grade all work by first indicating which answers are incorrect and then giving your student an opportunity
to correct his/her mistakes before offering assistance.
1. Spell words with the sound of /e/ spelled ei.
2. Spell more words with Silent E.
2. Spell more words with Silent E.
1. Write a polished three paragraph FD of Daedalus & Icarus myth.
2. Take notes on facts from a source text.
3. Use notes to write a factual summary paragraph.
3. Use notes to write a factual summary paragraph.
1. Spend 30-45 min of independent reading per day
2. Engage in meaningful discussion over assigned text
1. Know and properly use punctuation rules including periods, commas, apostrophes, & quotation marks.
1. Review 1st Declension & 2nd Declension noun endings
2. Practice conjugating verbs.
1. Understand factors which led to the Great Depression
2. Know that Franklin D Roosevelt involved the government in recovery through the New Deal
3. Continue researching World War II topics.
This week you will be wrapping up your research and note-taking so that you can begin writing down the findings of your
research. You will need to have several facts from books and/or websites. There are many websites on WWII that are age appropriate. Here are a couple that may be helpful:
Depending on how you choose to present your project, the written portion will look different. If you are making a lapbook or
board presentation, you will have several facts and short descriptions of different aspects of the war. If you are creating a
diorama, you will write three paragraphs about your topic, each with a topic sentence, interesting facts about your topic,
and a clincher sentence.
1. Know that friction is a force that tends to slow down moving objects.
2. Experiment with friction.
Memory Work: Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry: Our second quarter poem is "Stopping By a Woods on a Snowy Evening". Additional copies here.
Geography: Southern Europe song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will
be responsible for labeling each country on a map.
Friction helps us
Get a grip
This force slow us down
So that we don’t slip