Fortis Academy 4th Grade: Nov 6 - 10

DiscipleshipJoy (Creativity) + Matthew 5:1-8
BibleMicah 3:5-12Ps 431 Thess 4:1-12Matt 23:1-12
MathFP I, HIG p 83, TB 74 LT1, WB 41FP I, CCC WB Ex 41. HIG p 85, TB p 75 LT 2 & 3, WB Ex 42FP I, HIG 86-87, TB p 76-77 LT 4 -8, WB Ex 43FP I, CCC WB Ex 43. HIG p 88, TB p 77 LT 9, WB Ex 44Review any confusing concepts, Practice math facts
SpellingStep 12: Review New Teaching, review phonograms, DS 4-6, Play Sparkle! Rewrite misspelled words, Review Card Box, Dictate sentences 7-9. Complete Reinforcement and Writing Station words if present.Step 12 Spelling TestStep 13 : New teaching, Dictate 10 words .Dictate sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 13 Practice"
GrammarCh 12, L1: Introduce Pattern 2 Sentences, Jingle 16, Ref 38 and Sentences. Review Jingle 16 Ch 12, L2 Classify Sentences. Complete Pattern 2 Practice Sentence activity on pg. 208 of the TM. Ch 12, L3 Sentences, Ref 39 and 40Ch 12, L3 Review Editing, Do Practice Time p 72
WritingL9, Part 1: RD paragraph 3. Teacher check of paragraph 1 and 2 (structure and style).If needed, complete RD of paragraph 3 of Daedalus. Co-teachers please check for spelling/punctuation errors.Writer's Conference, Begin final draft due Monday. Final composition rubric sent home. Complete Final Draft of "Daedalus". Due Monday stapled: Rubric, FD, RD.We have our "Mythical Masterpiece coming up on Monday. Decide which of the two stories (Theseus or Daedalus) you would like to present, and practice reading it!
ReadingRead Number the Stars Chaps 1-5 this week
LatinCh11 - Memory page, teach grammar lessonCh11 - Recite memory chart, review grammar lesson, review 1st conjugation chart, 1 & 2 Declension charts for tomorrowCh11 - Review Game & WorksheetCh11 - Recite memory chart & chant, Complete Ch 11 quiz
HistoryRead SOTW "Hitler's Rise to Power" & "Rebuilding the Fatherland"World War II and President Franklin D. Roosevelt #141Timeline Song 1 SOTW "The 2nd World War"Write a summary of what you learned this week in your journal. Timeline Song 2
GeographyReview Southern EuropePractice for test tomorrowSouthern Europe Geo Test

ScienceFriction Quiz & Friction Poem Due, G & G p54-55 Read about gravity, Directions for Marble Ramp sent home. Define "Weight"Read USE p130-131 Write brief summary and Define "Mass"Egg Drop Carrier ProjectMarvelous Marble Ramp: Build one and bring it to school next week to demonstrate!
Memory WorkQuarter 2 Poem Due 11/29, Gravity Poem 11/27
Coming Soon:
Wednesday, Nov 15 - Thanksgiving Program
Monday, Nov 20 - Friday Nov. 24 - Thanksgiving Break!  
Wednesday, Nov 29 - Pizza Day!  Students may wear Spirit shirts.
Objective:  Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.  Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading.  Our Character Virtue of the month is Joy, this week focusing on creativity. Kids of Integrity has some wonderful resources to help you instill this character trait in your child. Joy
Continue doing a 5 min warm-up with the assigned Math fact sheet.  If your child has mastered the current fact sheet, move on the next one.  Do 5 min of Mental Math daily working through any of MM 1-18 this week. 
1. Understand the use of degrees for measuring angles.
2. Recognize angles of 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees.
3. Find and measure unknown angles.
4. Find complimentary angles.

Please complete all the work assigned for home days, including workbook and practice exercises, as well as math facts practice. Please grade all work by first indicating which answers are incorrect and then giving your student an opportunity to correct his/her mistakes before offering assistance.
Objectives: 1.Write a polished story with characters, setting, conflict, climax and resolution.
                   2. Practice public speaking skills while presenting your story.            

Reading:  We will begin reading Number the Starts this week.  Bring your book to class each day.  Co-teachers, please ask your child to orally narrate what they read and engage in discussion with them.

1. Identify direct objects in sentences.
2. Know that a verb-transitive is an action verb with a direct object after it.

Objective: 1. Spell words with the sound of /ee/ spelled ei 
                  2. Spell more words with silent e.
Step 11 spelling test was returned on Monday.  Please have your student correctly rewrite any misspelled words five times and return it to school on Wed.  Continue to review phonogram cards. 
1. Begin to memorize declensions for Latin adjectives 
2.Be able to list the endings of all 1st Declension nouns & 2nd Declension masculine & neuter nouns 
Listen to Latin chants daily to aid in memorization. 
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2  
Chapter 3  
Chapter 4                                                                                  
Chapter 6    
Chapter 7   
Chapter 8   
Chapter 9  
Chapter 11                
Directions for the Marvelous Marble Ramp were sent home Monday.
Weight: a measure of the strength of the pull of gravity on an object
Mass: the amount of matter contained in an object  
Memory Work: Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
We are continuing our memorization of the US Presidents.  For assessment, students will write all the presidents' first and last names.  Due 2/21/18.  If you'd like to make flashcards, here are some president picture memory cards   
Gravity Memory Work:
The heavier the object, the faster it will go
Galileo said, "Are you sure that is so?"

He dropped tow cannonballs, one heavy, one light
He peered over the edge holding on tight

What happened below was almost a crime
The objects hit the ground at the very same time

What Galileo discovered, we call gravity today
All objects fall the same distance & time, no matter what they weigh

Poetry:  Our second quarter poem is "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening".  Additional copies here. 
History:  All US Presidents   There are several YouTube video songs.  Here are two:US Presidents to "America" US Presidents

Timeline:  You can find a YouTube video of the timeline song with pictures of the cards and dates on here. 
Here is a YouTube demonstration the hand motions for the first 6 minutes. Timeline Song 
Here is a video of the hand motions for the second 6 minutes of the song: Timeline Song 
Lyrics and hand motions to accompany the timeline song :Classical Conversation History Card timeline-motions 
Geography: We are assessing Southern Europe this week.  Additional maps found here. 
All Geography songs and maps are found here.