Fortis Academy 4th Grade: Sept. 12-16th

DiscipleshipFaith + Proverbs 3:1-4
Math Review for test, Begin Practice 2B in classComplete TB p40 Practice 2B, Do TB p41 Review A to prepare for testMath Test HIG p36-37 Enrichment 1, Focus on mastering math factsMath Break!
ReadingContinue reading classical book of your choice. Pace yourself to complete the book in two weeks.Complete and score one reading narration. Use red pen to score. Due next Monday.
CompositionFinal Drafts due. Lesson 3, Part 1 KWO. Lesson 3, Part 2: Brainstorm portion only. Complete Vocab. Study on pg. 37. Read Aloud: The Great & Little Fishes Share Trumpeter FD with classmates. L3, P3: As a class, write a sample RDComplete rough draft started in class. Co-teachers please check spelling & grammar. Read Aloud: The Bear & the Two Travelers
GrammarCh 5, L2Ch 5, L3: Review Jingles 1-9, Classify Sentences onlyDo Activity/Assignment Time: Prepositional Sentence EndingsChapter 5 Test Skip Ex 4 & 8 Score in red pen & return to school Mon.
SpellingStep 4: Review New Teaching, phonograms ie, dge, wr. DS 4-6, Play SparkleStep 4: Review card box, Review Phonograms ck, oe, oa, ed. DS 7-9Step 4 Spelling TestStep 5: New teaching p39-42, Dictate 10 words & sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 5 Practice".Administer the Classical Phonics Assessment Tracker Assessment 1 if you haven't already. See note below.
HistoryReview of The American Revolution, Mozart Activity L12* The French Revolution     AsherKey Date ActivitesL13 The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte     StreetLesson 12 Key Date #38     Write one narration due Mon
ScienceTry This! pg. 55Read pgs. 55-59 , begin at Bonding Basics and stop at Final MattersWhat Do You Remember? and Notebooking Activities pgs. 59-60Read pgs. 62-66
GeographyGreenland and Canada Due 9/21
Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem Due 10/3, Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America Due 11/2, Key dates #37-38
LatinPL 4Copybook L4Review PL 4Review L4 terms using Copybook.

Coming Soon:
Wednesday, Sept 14th - Nest Meeting 9:15 am
Wednesday, Sept. 21st - Geography Test over Canada and Greenland
Wednesday, Sept. 28th - Pizza Day!

HIG- Home Instructor Guide
KWO-Key Word Outline
Grammar- Shurley English
LT- Learning Task
RD- Rough Draft
Composition-Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales
CCC-Complete, check, correct
FD- Final Draft
TB- Textbook (oral)
CC-  Copy cursive book
NT- New Teaching
WB- Workbook
TM (S)- Teacher's Manual (Supp)
DS - Dictate Sentences
MM- Mental Math
L- Lesson

Start your home school day with prayer and Bible reading.  Our Character Virtue of the month is: Faith.  Where does faith come from?  Read Romans 10:8-17.

Math Facts: Start each day with a 5 min warm up using the  Math Facts Practice sheets. This week we will be continue doing Practice Sheet G (multiplication) at school.  We're seeing great progress, but please continue doing facts practice sheets daily at home until all facts are completely mastered.
Mental Math: Continue your warm up with 5 minutes of Mental Math. This week work through Mental Math 8-9  in the HIG appendix.
Workbook Exercises: Please check these daily and have students make corrections.
Math Buddies: We encourage you to regularly use this web site to help you better understand how to teach a lesson and to provide opportunities for your child to practice new skills or review previously learned concepts that they may need extra practice with  Our first math test will be this Wednesday.  
Math Buddies login page
Optional Math Buddies: No new lessons for this week. Review previously assigned Math Buddies.

Bar Modeling: Bar modeling is a key component of problem solving. We will now do a practice "Bar Model of the Day" each day at school along with our normal math facts and mental math warm-ups.  If you have not watched the bar model training videos on the blog under resources, they will be beneficial in assisting your student. 

Continue reading a classical book of choice this week. Pace yourself to complete in two weeks.
Students are to write a short narration on their weekly reading using this form.  Reading 


SpellingIf you haven't administered the Classical Phonics Assessment, please do so this week and return to school on Monday.  You only need to do Assessment 1 (Single Letter Phonograms) at this point. Here are instructions for administering the assessment.
Phonogram Drill Form (written portion) - Parents, read the sound or sounds on the card. Or if you prefer, you can play the sound on the AAS app.  Your student should then write the corresponding phonogram in the box. Mark any your child missed.
Classical Phonics Assessment Tracker (oral portion) - Show the card to the student. He or she should be able to correctly identify all the sounds associated with that card. Please note any phonograms your child missed on the form.

I've had several requests for the American Revolution video we watched.  Here's the link: American Revolution part 1  This video is about the events leading up to and including the Battles of Lexington & Concord.  There are two more parts if you're interested in watching them at home, but I have not previewed them yet.
Students who are due to create a timeline figure are listed in red in the above table after the lesson number. The following class day, they will show the class the figure, tell  2-3 important points about the lesson, and place their figure on the classroom timeline.

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
History Key Dates:  
Add the second key date this week from Vol. 4: The French Revolution 1789-1799
The American Revolution 1765-1783.
Geography: We will continue our study of Greenland and Canada this week. The test over these is 9/21.   Maps and songs can be found here.
 Scripture:  We will be memorizing Proverbs 3:1-23 over the course of this year.  A copy of the passage was placed in your student's binder on Monday.  Additional copies may be found here.
Poetry:  Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard" to be recited on 10/3.   Additional copies here.