Fortis Academy 4th Grade - Week 8 - Oct. 1 - 7


4th Grade Week 8Tuesday
Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipFortitude-" Then David said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God, is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished." 1 Chronicles 28:20
BibleExodus 14Exodus 16Exodus 19-20Exodus 23:20 and Exodus 24
MathCh 4 TestFP-H or I,
Ch. 5 L2:
TB pgs. 111-114,
WB pgs. 97-100
Ch. 5 L3:
TB pgs. 115-119,
WB pgs. 101-104
FP-H or I,
Ch 5 L4:
Practice TB pgs. 120-121
Complete worksheet sent home
SpellingReview Phonograms: kn, gn, nk, ough, ew.
Step 6: Review New Teaching and Tips, DS 4-6.
Re-write Step 5 test misspelled words 5x,
Step 6: Review card box, phonograms. DS 7-9.
Step 6 Spelling TestStep 7: New teaching, Dictate 10 words.DS 1-3 on paper titled "Step 7 Practice."
GrammarCh. 7, L1 - Possessive Nouns: Grammar Time, Practice TimeCh 7, L2 - Review Jingles, Grammar TimeCh 7, L3 - Object Pronouns: Jingle 13, Grammar TimeCo-teachers, give Test Time on pg. 120 of Teacher's Manual following the directions given.
WritingL8: Read Daedalus & Icarus, Create a KWO and retell, Banned Words: go/wentFinish Theseus FD & Daedalus KWO if not completed in class. Do Style Practice pg. 62-63.Poem 1 Recitations Due
Theseus FD due.
Write 1st paragraph introducing the setting & characters of Daedalus & Icarus. Use Composition Checklist pg. 56.
ReadingDiscuss Ch. 11 Literary Element: Conflict, Read Ch. 12Finish reading The Perilous Road and answer questions pg. 19Final Discussion, Literary Elements: Irony, Theme, Character SketchPut Mary Poppins in your backpack for Tues., complete the Writing Activity pg. 21 in your journal. Due Tues.Remember, if there is a reading journal assignment, have them answer the questions on a separate sheet of lined paper instead of squeezing it into the small space on the worksheet.
HistoryKey Dates Test
Discuss the Impressionist Artists: Monet, Degas, Renoir, Cassat
Read "The Second Reich" pgs. 82-88 and answer questions in your journal.The Suez Canal,
Send home 1st quarter review
Complete Review for test on Tues. Read The Dutch East Indies SOTW pgs. 103-107.See blog notes below for Dutch East Indies Journal assignment.
GeographySouthern Europe
ScienceNB DiscussionRead TB pgs. 89-92,
Do Act. 4.4 Create a Comic strip NB pgs. 92-93
Termites and Act. 4.2 Make an ant farmComplete WDYR pg. 96
Memory WorkPOEM 1, Due for Recitation on 10/3
GEOGRAPHY: Southern Europe Due 10/17
KEY DATES: 1-3 Test on 10/1

Coming Soon!

Friday, Oct. 4 - End of 1st Quarter
Thursday, Oct. 10 - Spirit Day
Tuesday, Oct. 15 - Parent/teacher conferences - no school
Thursday, Oct. 31 - Historical dress up day, spirit day, pizza day, DOGS day


Our Character Virtue of the month is Fortitude. Fortitude is the strength of character to do what is right even in the face of difficulty and hardship. Fruit of the Spirit: Patience

Continue memorizing multiplication/division facts 1-12. Start each day with a Facts Practice warm-up of either multiplication or division. We will assess multiplication facts on Thursday.


1. Estimate and find quotients using long division.

2. Assess multiplication skills.

3. Divide up to a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number.

4. Practice division.


Objective: Analyze two ways to spell the sound of /shun/


Review each chapter's vocabulary prior to reading.

1. Identify types of literary conflict in The Perilous Road.
2. Engage in discussion, sharing ideas, meaning, and information from the reading.

3. Identify irony, themes, and changed characters in The Perilous Road.



1. Create a Story Sequence Outline of a myth using the Story Sequence Chart.
2. Assess memorization and presentation of "My Father's Vineyard."
3. Write the first paragraph of a 3-paragraph myth introducing the characters and setting.


1. Identify possessive noun pronouns in sentences.
2. Correctly use possessive noun pronouns in an original sentence.
3. Identify object pronouns in sentences.
4. Review previously learned grammar skills.

Write a paragraph summary in your journal using complete sentences. Include information about the following questions.

1. What is an archipelago?

2. What things did the islands provide the Dutch?

3. Why did the farmers of the East Indies begin to revolt against the Dutch?


1. Identify characteristics of Impressionist artists including Monet, Renoir, Degas & Cassatt.
2. Know that present-day Indonesia, formerly called The Dutch East Indies, was desired by the Dutch for wealth building.
3. Know that the Krakatoa volcano erupted in Indonesia in 1883.


Please ensure your child is doing "their best work" when writing in their journals. (i.e. write neat, no sloppy work, check for spelling and punctuation errors, encourage more than the "bare minimum" approach--in other words try to write more than a couple facts.)

1. Identify characteristics of ants and termites.
2. Make an ant farm and observe ant behavior.
3. Continue to collect, study, and identify Texas insects.


Here is a comprehensive booklet about Texas insects which you can print or use for reference and insect identification:

Here's a website to help with identification:

Memory Work
Please spend 15 minutes daily working on the following memory work.
Poetry:  Our first quarter poem,
"The Father's Vineyard," will be assessed this week. Additional copies here.
Geography:  Continue to memorize the countries of Southern Europe. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map. A word bank is provided.

Sheppards software has helpful computer games for additional practice.

Key Dates for 1st quarter:
The War Between the States                         1861-1865
World War I                                                      1914-1918
Lenin & the Russian Revolution                      1917 

Fortis Academy 4th Grade - Week 7 - Sept. 24-30


4th Grade Week 7Tuesday
Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipFear of the Lord- "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” -Proverbs 9:10
BibleExodus 6-9 select passagesExodus 10Exodus 11-12Exodus
Please start having your child write two entries in their Bible journal so they can share something during our Bible time on Tue/Thurs. It can be about the chapter we are studying or anything that is inspiring they want to share (i.e. moments they felt God had a hand in something; something beautiful that reminded them of our Lord, etc.).
Ch. 4 L6:
TB pgs.98-100
WB pgs. 82-85
Ch. 4 L7:
TB pgs. 101-103
WB pgs. 86-89
Review & TB L8 Practice B pgs. 104-106
Ch. 5 L1: TB pgs. 107-110
WB pgs. 95-96
Complete worksheet sent home. Co-Teachers: CCC checking multiplication problems for mastery.
SpellingStep 5:
Review Phonograms:
ti, ci, si, tch.
Review NT/Strategies.
DS 4-6
Play Sparkle
Review Phonograms: eigh, ei, ey, ph. DS 7-9. Review card box.Step 5 SpellingTestStep 6:
New Teaching pgs. 45-46
Dictate 12 words
DS 1-3 on paper titled "Step 6 Practice"I recommend having your students write any words they misspelled on tests, 5 times in a row. This will help with memorization of difficult words. Almost all the students misspelled the word ADDRESS last week (they just put in 1 "D").
GrammarCh. 6, L3: Subject/Verb AgreementReview Prepositions, Subject & Possessive Pronouns-Ref 20-21. Listen to Jingles 9, 11 & 12. Practice writing the 7 subject pronouns & 7 object pronouns from memory. Write out as many prepositions as you can remember. Review Adj & Adv questions.TestComplete and Check a Daily Grammar Sheet (purple folder)Please study up for the Grammar Test on Thursday!
WritingWrite 3rd paragraph (Climax & Resolution) of Theseus mythCheck and edit your 3rd paragraph using composition checklist pg. 56. Begin writing FD.Work on FD of TheseusWork on Theseus FD, using rubric to make sure you have all required elements. Underline & label dress-ups & vocab. Due Thurs. 10/3Review Poem 1 for Poem Recitation next week.Remember, when using Vocab. words in the FDs, you can pull from all previous words we've had thus far.
ReadingDiscuss Ch. 6
& Similes
Begin reading Ch 7
The Perilous Road: Read Ch. 7-8 & answer questions 1-5 (pg. 13) in journalDiscuss Perilous Road Ch. 7-8, begin reading Ch. 9 in classRead Perilous Road Ch. 10-11 and answer questions on pg. 14 in journal
HistoryAfter the War discussion. Discuss history journal questions from The Dominion of Canada.Read SOTW pg. 83-85 Rails, Zones & Bulbs & answer journal questionsThe Transcontinental RailroadRead Japan's Meiji Restoration, SOTW pgs. 86-90. Pretend you're a shogun and in your journal write about changes you've seen in Japan since Commodore Perry came.Review Key Dates 1-3 for Tuesday's Test
GeographySouthern Europe
ScienceVenn Diagram ActivityRead TB pgs. 78-82. Record interesting facts NB pg. 88Characteristics of Ants, Experiment 4.2 & Act. 4.2Read TB pg. 85-86 and orally answer questions pg. 86. Complete NB pg. 88Please ensure your child is doing "their best work" when writing in their science notebooks and all other journals for that matter (i.e. no sloppy work, write neat, check for spelling and punctuation errors, encourage more than the "bare minimum" approach--in other words try to write more than 1 fact).
Memory WorkPOEM 1, Due for Recitation on 10/3
GEOGRAPHY: Southern Europe Due 10/17
KEY DATES: 1-3 Test on 10/1
I mistakenly told the students there would be no word bank for the Geography test. There actually will be, but I encourage you to push them to learn how to spell country names anyway.

Upcoming dates to remember:

September 26 – Spirit/DOGS/Pizza Day!

Friday, Oct. 4 - End of 1st Quarter

Thursday, Oct. 10 - Spirit Day


L – Lesson

Ch. - Chapter

TB – Textbook

WB – Workbook

FP – Facts Practice Sheet

MM – Mental Math

CCC – Complete, check, correct

NT – New Teaching

DS – Dictate Sentences

IEW – Institute for Excellence in Writing book

KWO – Key Word Outline

RD – Rough Draft

FD – Final Draft

WDYR – What Do You Remember

NB – Science Notebooking Journal

Grammar – Shurley English

TM – Teacher’s Manual

SOTW – Story of the World (History book)



Our Character Virtue of the month is Fear of the Lord. Fear of the Lord is knowing and understanding the glory and majesty of God. Fruit of the Spirit:  Faithfulness.


Math:  Begin math with a 5-minute warm-up of multiplication practice using Facts Practice H.  Strive to memorize multiplication facts (at least 1-12) ASAP. When you can complete 100 facts in 5 minutes with 97% accuracy, move on the Division facts. (The binder has a multiplication chart in it that your student can review for additional help in memorizing. Plus, a blank one they can fill out. Have them fill it out without help and the ones they miss, they can rewrite multiple times to help commit to memory.)


1. Multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit number.

2. Multiply a three-digit number by a two-digit number.

3. Review and practice multiplication skills.

4. Divide numbers up to three digits using a mental math method.

5. Continue to memorize multiplication facts 1-12.



Objective: Spell words ending in sion, words containing the sound of “th”, and how to add two suffixes to a word.




Review each chapter's vocabulary prior to reading.

1. Learn about life during the Civil War.

2. Analyze characterization in literature.

3. Identify similes.




1. Write the climax and resolution of a 3-paragraph narrative story.

2. Incorporate ly adverb, w/w clause, strong verb and 4 vocabulary words (from all previous lessons) in the composition.

3. Edit and write a polished FD of a myth.



1. Know that subjects and verbs must agree in number.

2. Review previously learned skills.

3. Test knowledge in an assessment.




1. Know that the United States still faced multiple problems after the Civil War.

2. Know that railroads sped travel, took people to new cities, and took grain and other goods to faraway places.

3. Know that time zones divided the earth into twenty-four zones, making it the same time inside each zone.

4. Know that electricity made it possible for people to work after dark.

5. Identify ways that Japan became more modern during the Meiji Restoration.




1. Know that monarch butterflies migrate from northern North America to southern Mexico for the winter.

2. Identify characteristics of ants, bees, and other social insects.

3. Continue to collect, study, and identify Texas insects.


·       Here's a website to help with identification: TRENDING & MOST COMMON — Texas Insect Identification Tools (


·       Here is a comprehensive booklet about Texas insects that you can print or use for reference and insect identification:


·       Information on pinning and labeling insects:



Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.

Poetry:  Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard". 

Geography:  We are studying Southern Europe. The song and map can be found on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map. A word bank is provided (but I encourage you to push them to still learn spelling of the country names).

History: Key Dates for 1st quarter (also found in binder):

1.       The War Between the States              1861 – 1865

2.       World War I                                       1914 – 1918

3.       Lenin and the Russian Revolution     1917

Fortis Academy 4th Grade - Week 6: September 17 - 23


4th Grade Week 6Tuesday
Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipFear of the Lord- "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” -Proverbs 9:10
BibleExodus 1Exodus 2Exodus 3:1-16 and 4:1-18Exodus 5
Ch. 4, L2:
TB pgs. 84-87;
WB pgs. 69-72
Ch. 4, L3:
TB pgs. 88-90;
WB pgs. 73-76
Ch. 4, L4:
TB pgs. 91-93;
WB pg. 77
Ch. 4, L5:
TB pgs. 94-97;
WB pgs. 80-81
Continue memorizing all shaky multiplication facts 1-12.
Make multiplication table, use flashcards, worksheets, play games, etc.
There is a blank multiplication table in their binder they can use with an Expo marker or you can make copies of it for them to write on for practice.
SpellingStep 4: Review New Teaching, Phonograms ie, dge, wr.
DS 4-6;
Play Sparkle
Step 4: Review card box, Review Phonograms ck, oe, oa, ed. DS 7-9Step 4
Spelling Test
Step 5: New teaching pgs. 39-42, Dictate 10 words.Dictate sentences 1-3 on paper titled "Step 5 Practice."
GrammarCh. 6, L1- Jingles 10 and 11. Review Ref. 19 and 20: Subject Pronouns.Classify Sentences for Ch. 6, L1.
Review Jingles 10-11. Complete a Daily Grammar sheet.
Ch. 6, L2 Jingle 12, Ref. 21 Possessive Pronouns. Do Practice Sentence.Ch. 6, L3 Classify Sentences ONLY! What are the SIX parts of speech we have studied so far? List them and give an example of each. Complete a Daily Grammar sheet.Daily Grammar sheets are in the purple folder.
WritingL6 Introduce Myths & Story Sequence Chart;
Read/discuss Thesueus & the Minotaur.
Begin KWO for 3 paragraphs.
Writer's Conference for Milkmaid RD.
Finish Milkmaid FD, Due tomorrow.
Complete style practice pg. 48 and vocab practice pg. 49. Review Story Sequence Chart and write
1st paragraph only introducing characters and setting. Include dress-ups and vocab.
Review Story Sequence Chart, KWO, and strong verb dress-up pg. 53. Complete style practice pgs. 54-55.Review checklist pg. 56 and write 2nd paragraph (conflict/ problem) RD of Theseus myth. 1st and 2nd paragraphs due Tuesday. (You'll write the 3rd paragraph in class).
Chs. 1-2 and Literary Devices
Read The Perilous Road Ch. 3-4 and orally answer questions 1-7 pgs. 7-8Discuss The Perilous Road Chs. 3-4 and Literary Devices. Begin reading Ch. 5 in class.Finish reading Ch. 5 if not completed in class. Read Ch. 6, answer questions 1-7 (pg. 9) in journal.It's helpful to review the chapter vocab. words in the reading journal prior to reading.
HistoryFinish remaining Civil War student research discussions. Begin Civil War lapbook presentations.Read SOTW p53-56 "After the Civil War" In History Journal* (see side note): Pretend you are a reporter writing a news story on the events that took place after the war. Include key facts, who was involved, and how the events affected individuals and the entire nation.Complete Civil War lapbook presentations.Read "The Dominion of Canada" pgs. 68-74 and answer History Journal questions.Study up on the Key Dates 1 - 3 (in binder). Our test is Oct. 1.*Note: I noticed some students did the last assignment (the one where they researched a topic) in the space provided for this week's History Journal entry. No worries! Just have them do the current Journal entry (Wednesday's assignment) on a separate piece of paper and staple it into the History Journal.
GeographySouthern EuropeColor each country in Southern Europe differently as you listen to the song.Review Southern EuropePoint to each country in Southern Europe as you listen to the song.
ScienceOrder Lepidoptera: Butterflies, Moths & Skippers- Create Venn DiagramRead TB pgs. 70-74. Orally narrate and do Act 3.5 in NB pg. 75. Continue working on insect collecting and preserving.Butterfly MigrationComplete WDYR pg. 78I encourage you to do extra activities in the science NB. There is a lot of fun stuff in the NB that isn't necessarily assigned and graded, but would benefit them all the same!
Memory WorkKEY DATES: 1-3 Test on 10/1
POEM 1, Due for Recitation on 10/3
GEOGRAPHY: Southern Europe Due 10/17

6th week mark! Keep up the good work at home! At this point we are getting into the swing of things but may also be feeling some overwhelm or push-back on homeschool. Keep at it! It will and is paying off.  ~Mrs. Woolsey

September dates to remember:

September 14 – Dodgeball Tournament (6pm-8pm @ Glad Tidings Church)

September 26 – Spirit/DOGS/Pizza Day!



Our Character Virtue of the month is Fear of the Lord. Fear of the Lord is knowing and understanding the glory and majesty of God. Fruit of the Spirit:  Faithfulness.


Math:  Begin math with a 5-minute warm-up of multiplication practice using Facts Practice H.  Strive to memorize multiplication facts (at least 1-12) ASAP. The binder has a multiplication chart in it that your student can review for additional help in memorizing. Plus, a blank one they can fill out. Have them fill it out without help and the ones they miss, they can rewrite multiple times to help commit to memory.


1. Multiply up to a four-digit number by a one-digit number.

2. Multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit multiple of 10.

3. Practice multiplication.

4. Practice estimation with multiplication

5. Continue to memorize multiplication facts 1-12.



Objective: Spell multi-syllable words ending in “ss.”




1. Learn about life during the Civil War.

2. Increase vocabulary (review new vocabulary words prior to reading).

4. Engage in discussion, sharing ideas, meaning, and information from the reading.




1. Introduce the Story Sequence Chart.

2. Create a Story Sequence Outline of a myth using the Story Sequence Chart.

3. Brainstorm dress-ups and review vocabulary.

4. Write the first paragraph of a 3 paragraph myth introducing the characters and setting.

5. Write the second paragraph of a myth describing the conflict or problem.



1. Identify subject pronouns in sentences.

2. Correctly use subject pronouns in an original sentence.

3. Identify possessive noun pronouns in sentences.

4. Correctly use possessive noun pronouns in an original sentence.

5. Review grammar skills.




1. Present Civil War lapbook projects.

2. Know that the United States still faced multiple problems after the Civil War.

3. Learn about Canada’s independence from Great Britain.




1. Compare and contrast butterflies, moths and skippers.

2. Identify unique characteristics of Lepidoptera anatomy.

3. Know that monarch butterflies migrate from northern North America to southern Mexico for the winter.

4. Continue to identify and pin insects.


·       Here's a website to help with identification: TRENDING & MOST COMMON — Texas Insect Identification Tools (


·       Here is a comprehensive booklet about Texas insects that you can print or use for reference and insect identification:


·      Information on pinning and labeling insects:


Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.

Poetry:  Our first quarter poem is "The Father's Vineyard". 

Geography:  We are studying Southern Europe. The song and map can be found on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map.

History: Key Dates for 1st quarter (also found in binder):

1.       The War Between the States:  1861 – 1865

2.       World War I:  1914 – 1918

3.       Lenin and the Russian Revolution:  1917