4th Grade Week 12 | Tuesday 10/29/2024 | Wednesday 10/30/2024 | Thursday 10/31/2024 | Friday 11/1/2024 | Monday 11/4/2024 | Co-Teacher Notes |
Discipleship | Fortitude-" Then David said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God, is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished." 1 Chronicles 28:20 | |
Bible | Ruth 1 & 2 | I Samuel 1 | I Samuel 3 & 8 | I Samuel 16 | | |
Math | Ch. 6 Quiz, Ch. 7 L1: TB pgs. 161-164, WB pgs. 151-153 | Ch. 7 L2: TB pgs. 165-167, WB pgs. 154-156 | Ch. 7 L3: TB pgs. 168-170, WB pgs. 157-158 | Ch. 7 L4: TB pgs. 171-172, WB pgs. 160-161 | Ch. 7, L5: TB pgs. 173-175, WB pgs. 162-163 | |
Spelling | Review New Teaching, Phonograms, DS 4-6 | Rewrite misspelled Step 9 words 5x, Review Card Box, DS 7-9. Review phonograms ow, ou, ai, ay, ea, or, ui | Step 10 Spelling Test | Step 11: New teaching, Dictate 10 words | DS 1-3 on paper titled "Step 11 Practice" | |
Grammar | Ch. 10 L1: Classify sentences and read through Ref 31 | Ch. 10 L2: Classify sentences and complete Capitalization Worksheet sent home. Due Thurs. | Ch. 10 L2: Ref 33 & Daily Grammar (catch up to WS 21) | Daily Grammar WS 22-23 | | We will get caught up on Daily Grammar Journals this week. |
Writing | Read & discuss The Brother's Grimm, make KWO, Introduce www.asia dress-up, style practice | Review vocab: devoted, publish. Using your KWO, style practice pgs. 104-105, and composition checklist pg. 106, write a RD on the Brothers Grimm. Co-teachers, please check mechanics | In-class writing assignment & begin Brothers Grimm FD | Complete FD started in class yesterday. Due Tue. Stapled: Rubric, FD, RD. Are all dress-ups underlined and labeled correctly (VOC in left margin and dress-ups in right margin)? | | When proofing your child's writing, whether it is for IEW or Journals, always go through their mistakes with them and tell them why it was wrong. This will reinforce rules and help them remember next time. |
Reading | Mary Poppins Discuss Ch 9 & begin reading Ch 10 | Complete Ch. 10 and write answers to questions in your journal | Read and discuss Mary Poppins Ch 11 | Read Mary Poppins Ch 12 & write answers to journal questions | | |
History | Teddy Roosevelt, Frederick Remington, & The Spanish American War | Read "The Spanish American War" & write answers to journal questions pg. 31 | Westward Expansion | Read "Moving West" and write answers to journal questions pg. 32 | Review History Key Dates | |
Geography | Western Europe | | |
Science | Order Diptera: Flies, Mosquitoes & Robber Flies Act. 6.5 | Read TB pg. 120-123, Cut out fly minibook NB pg. 133 and add facts to back, glue head to pg. 137 | Order Hemiptera: True Bugs & Activity 6.6 | Read TB pg. 124-128, Complete WDYR pg. 128 | | |
Memory Work | GEOGRAPHY: Western Europe Due 11/21 POEM 2, Due for Recitation on 12/5 KEY DATES: 1-6 Test on 12/10 | |

We loved having our DOGS in class with us! We played the "Telephone Game."
Coming Soon!
Thursday, Oct. 31 - Historical Dress Up Day
Thursday, Nov. 14 - Spirit Day!
Thursday, Nov. 21 - DOGS, Spirit & Pizza Day!
Monday, Nov. 25 - Friday, Nov. 29: Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
Note: Our class is studying the time period of 1850-modern day in history. For Historical Dress-Up Day, students may dress as any historical figure that lived during that timeframe of history.
Continue working on memorizing multiplication/division facts until mastered. Start each day with a Facts Practice warm-up using the math facts sheets. Return two fact sheets per week from the previous week. Please date the sheets or write what week they are from!
1. Add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
2. Add and subtract fractions with related denominators.
3. Add a fraction and mixed number with related denominators.
4. Add mixed numbers with related denominators.
Objective: Know five ways to spell the sound of /er/.
1. Increase reading comprehension and fluency.
2. Identify characters and their qualities.
3. Summarize the plot by identifying the rising action, climax, and resolution.
Objective: Review and practice capitalization and punctuation skills.
1. Practice the "Summarizing a Reference" structural model.
2. Introduce the www.asia clause dress-up (when, where, while, as, since, if, although).
3. Write a 1-paragraph report about the Brothers Grimm.
4. Correctly use new vocabulary words: devoted and publish.
Note: This IEW unit focuses on summarizing. Students need to be able to choose a few important facts from a longer source text and weave them together in a way that makes sense. This is not a unit that allows for creativity. Students need to stick to the facts. They should focus on learning and/or perfecting the skill of writing topic sentences and clinchers. A topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph and tell what the paragraph is about. All facts should support the topic sentence. A paragraph clincher is a sentence at the end of a paragraph that repeats or reflects two-3 key words from the topic sentence and reminds the reader what the paragraph was about. The repeating/reflecting (synonym) words should be highlighted in both the topic sentence and clincher.
1. Identify characteristics of Frederick Remington's artwork.
2. Understand how newspaper owners used “yellow journalism” and artwork by Frederic Remington to stir up sentiment against Spain.
3. Know that Theodore Roosevelt helped the US gain a decisive victory in the Spanish-American War in 1898.
4. Know that the American West was changed as settlers moved west, railroads were built, Native Americans were pushed off their land, and territories became states.
1. Identify characteristics of flies, mosquitoes, robber flies and true bugs.
Memory Work: Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work:
Poetry: Our second quarter poem is "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." Additional copies here.
Geography: We are continuing our study of Western Europe this week. The song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map. A word bank will be provided for the test. Sheppard's software has helpful computer games for additional practice. https://www.sheppardsoftware.com/geography/europe/game-1/
History: Key Dates for 2nd quarter:
The War Between the States 1861-1865
World War I 1914-1918
Lenin & the Russian Revolution 1917The Great Depression 1929-1939
World War II 1939-1945
The Cold War 1945-1991