Coming Soon:
Wednesday, Jan 31 - Pizza Day!
Objective: Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.
Start your home school day with prayer and Bible reading. Our Character Virtue of the month is Honesty. has wonderful resources to help instill this character trait in your child.
Continue doing a 5 min warm-up with the assigned Math fact sheet and 5 min of Mental Math.
Work through MM 3 & 4 this week.
1. Round a decimal number to the nearest whole number.
2. Practice previously learned skills, reteaching where necessary.
On Tuesday, use Review A to assess your student's understanding of the skills learned. There is no need to do every problem if your student understands the concepts well. You may only need to do one or two problems of some skills, and all the problems of others, depending on your student's needs. However, I would recommend everyone work the word problems on p.30, bar modeling where necessary.
Work through Mental Math 3 & 4 this week. Next week we will start adding/subtracting, multiplying/dividing decimals, so keep honing those math facts!
Work through Mental Math 3 & 4 this week. Next week we will start adding/subtracting, multiplying/dividing decimals, so keep honing those math facts!
We're continuing Writing from Pictures this week, writing one paragraph per picture. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence describing the central fact of the picture with the rest of the paragraph filling in the who, when, where, what, why and how details, complete with required dress-ups. Reading:
Students should begin reading a classical book of choice. Pace yourself to finish the book in three weeks.
Objective: Learn quotation rules for beginning and ending quotes.
Objective: Learn how to make the plural form of words ending in o.
Listen to Latin chants daily to aid in memorization.
1. Discover the basics of balance by making contraptions that wobble waver tile and rest.
2. Examine how balance and center of gravity affects buildings by building a castle out of
toothpicks and gumdrops.
Resonate - to vibrate at the same frequency as something else
Memory Work: Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
We are continuing our memorization of the US Presidents. For assessment, students will write all the
presidents' first and last names. Due 2/21/18. If you'd like to make flashcards, here are some
Science Memory Work: Sentence on Balance
An object is in balance when all the forces that push or pull on it have caused it to remain still.
History: All US Presidents There are several YouTube video songs. Here are two:
Timeline: You can find a YouTube video of the timeline song with pictures of the cards and dates on
Here is a YouTube demonstration the hand motions for the first 6 minutes. Timeline Song
Here is a video of the hand motions for the second 6 minutes of the song: Timeline Song
Lyrics and hand motions to accompany the timeline song :Classical Conversation History
Card timeline-motions
All Geography songs and maps are found here.