Fortis Academy 4th Grade - Week 16 - Dec. 3 - 8

4th Grade Week 16Tuesday
Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipTEMPERANCE - Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
BibleIsaiah-Select versesHosea 4:1-3 & 6:1-3II Kings 18-19Nahum 1:1, Zeph 1:14-18, Hab 3:16-19
MathCh. 9, L1: TB pgs. 211-217, WB pgs. 201-203Ch. 9, L2: TB pgs. 218-220, WB Ex 2 pg. 205Ch. 9, L3: TB pg. 221-225, WB pgs. 208-210Complete Review 2 TB pgs. 230-231
SpellingStep 14: Review New Teaching, Review Phonograms, DS 4-6, Play Sparkle!Re-Write misspelled Step 13 words 5x, Review Card Box, Review Phonograms: sh, th, oo, ee, oy, oi, ch DS 7-9.Step 14 Spelling Test & Phonogram ReviewStep 15: New teaching, Dictate 10 words & Sentences 1-3. Review phonograms ow, ou, ay, ai, ea, or, uiAdminister FA Phonics Assessment #2 and Oral Phonogram Drill Sheet & return to school Tuesday.Instructions for administering the Phonics Assessment are in the notes below.
GrammarDaily GrammarDaily GrammarComplete any remaining Daily Grammar pages. Due Tues.
WritingBegin FD of The Ugly DucklingComplete FD. Due tomorrow in this order: Rubric, FD, RDPoem 2 Recitations
ReadingDiscussion & read Ch. 18-19Finish reading The Wright Brothers & put Helen Keller in your backpack for tomorrowIntroduce Helen Keller, Read pgs. 7-19In Helen Keller read pgs. 20-45 and copy first 3 quotes in your journal.
HistoryLenin & the Bolshevik RevolutionRead "The End of the War" pgs. 271-277, write answers to questions in journal and review Key Dates 1-6The End of the Great War discussion & read "In Flanders Fields"Review Key Dates 1-6 & complete study guide sent home
ScienceComplete insect researchComplete Study GuideFinal Insect Test
Memory WorkPOEM 2, Due for Recitation on 12/5
KEY DATES: 1-6 Test on 12/10


Coming Soon:
Thursday, Dec 12- Christmas Sweater Day & Grammar School Christmas Party!
Friday, Dec 13 - End of 2nd Quarter
Monday, Dec 16 - Friday, Jan 10- Christmas Break

Fortis Grammar students have a tradition of exchanging a classical book at our Christmas party. If you would like your child to participate, please send a wrapped new or gently used classical, age-appropriate book. You may want to specify if the book would appeal more to boys or girls, but it is not necessary. 


Objective:  Experience the joy of the Lord which comes from spending time in His presence.

Start your homeschool day with prayer and Bible reading. This month's virtue is Temperance. Temperance is the cardinal virtue that moderates (not destroys) the attraction to pleasure and provides balance in the use of created goods. Fruit of the Spirit: Self-control. Self-control is the mastery of love of and desire for pleasure.


Continue to complete a Facts Practice worksheet or quiz your student with flashcards each day if not mastered. You do not have to turn them in anymore.


1. Interpret change over time in bar and line graphs.

2. Draw and display data in a line graph.

3. Interpret and create line plots.

4. Practice and review.


1. Spell more words with the sound of /z/ spelled s.
2. Review and assess phonograms.

Please administer the Classical Phonics Assessment (in binder) this week and return to school Tuesday.  
You only need to do Assessment 2. Here are instructions for administering the assessment.
Phonogram Drill Form (written portion) - Parents, read the sound or sounds on the card. Or if you prefer, you can play the sound on the AAS app. Your student should then write the corresponding phonogram in the box. Mark any your child missed.
Classical Phonics Assessment Tracker (oral portion) - Show the card to the student. He or she should be able to correctly identify all the sounds associated with that card. Please note any phonograms your child missed on the form.


Objective: Identify goodness, truth, and beauty in biographical literature.


Objectives: Practice editing skills.



1. Complete FD of a story written from pictures.

2. Recite 2nd quarter poem.



1. Know that Russia's economic collapse led to the Bolshevik Revolution, which forced the Czar out of power.
2. Know that the Bolshevik leader, Vladimir Lenin, became a brutal dictator.
3. Understand that Lenin established the USSR and ruled over it until his death in 1924.
4. Know that WW I ended in 1919 with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. 

1. Research and record facts on a variety of insects.
2. Assessment.

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work:
Poetry: Our second quarter poem is "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." Additional copies here.
History: Key Dates for 2nd quarter:
1. The War Between the States                         1861-1865
2. World War I                                                     1914-1918
3. Lenin & the Russian Revolution                   1917
4. The Great Depression 1929-1939
5. World War II 1939-1945
6. The Cold War 1945-1991

Fortis Academy Week 15 - November 19 - 22


4th Grade Week 15Tuesday
Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipDILIGENCE - "Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble."
2 Peter 1:10
BibleI Kings 18Amos 7:14-15, 8:11-12, Obadiah 1:3-4,15Jonah 1-4Micah 4:1-2, 6:8
MathCh. 8, L8:
TB pgs. 207-209, WB Ex. 8 pg. 192
Ch 8, L9: Practice TB pg. 210 & TB pg. 231 #s 8,9 & 10. WB pgs. 196-197. Co-teachers, please check and help students correct any errors in preparation for tomorrow's test.Ch 8 TestReview 2 TB pgs. 228-230. Do problems 1-7. Co-teachers, please check and help students make any needed corrections.
SpellingStep 13: Review New Teaching, review phonograms, DS 4-6Review Spelling Words, DS 7-9. Review phonograms sh, th,oo, ee, oy, oi, chStep 13 Spelling TestStep 14: New teaching, Dictate 10 words & review phonograms ow, ou, ay, ai, ea, or, ui. DS 1-3 on paper titled "Step 14 Practice."
GrammarCh.13, L1: Complete Sentences vs. Sentence Fragments: Grammar Time, Practice TimeCh. 13, L2: Classify sentences, Complete Skill Time (TM pgs. 224-226) & Practice Time pg. 73 Practice 1-2Ch. 13, L3: Compound SentencesCh. 13, L3: Classify Sentences, Practice Time 1,2, & 3 on pg. 74
WritingUgly Duckling: Using your KWO write RD of 1st paragraph.Complete and edit 1st paragraph. Begin writing 2nd paragraph. Use the composition checklist pg. 125 to make sure you have underlined and labeled all required dress-ups. Vocab: miserable, despiseWriter's Conference & begin writing 3rd paragraph (climax/ resolution) RDComplete 3rd paragraph of your RD. Underline dress-ups in each paragraph and label in margin. Highlight 2-3 key words in each central fact/clincher. RD due Tues. 12/3.Practice and perfect your poem. Recitations are Thurs. after the break!
ReadingDiscussion & Read Ch. 10Read The Wright Brothers Chs. 11-13 and answer questions orally. Be prepared to share tomorrow.DiscussionRead Ch. 14-17 and answer questions orally. Jot down notes in your journal so you don't forget answers over the break.
HistoryCauses of World War IRead WWI pgs. 255-262. Practice saying and writing Key Dates 1-6 (event & dates)World War 1: Trench warfare, aircraftRead "The Russian Revolution" pgs. 265-271 and answer journal questions pg. 42.
GeographyReview Western EuropeReview Western EuropeWestern Europe Test
ScienceResearch Insects: Journal Act. 7.11Read TB pgs. 147-149Complete Act. 7.11Write answers to WDYR in your NB pg. 159.
Memory WorkGEOGRAPHY: Western Europe Due 11/21
POEM 2, Due for Recitation on 12/5
KEY DATES: 1-6 Test on 12/10

Coming Soon!

Thursday, Nov. 21 - DOGS, Spirit & Pizza Day!
Monday Nov. 25 - Friday Nov. 29 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL 
Thursday, Dec. 12 - Last Day of Fall Semester

Our virtue of the month is Diligence. Diligence is careful and persistent work or effort. It is the quality of being conscientious and dedicated. 

Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness is doing what is right and best for others in every circumstance.



If not mastered, continue to start each day with a Facts Practice sheet. Set a timer for 5 minutes, circle the last problem completed, and have student complete the page. Correct & return to school. 


1. Solve word problems involving fractions.

2. Practice multiplying fractions.

3. Assessment.

4. Review and practice.



Objective: Analyze nine ways to spell the sound of /e/




1. Write a 3-paragraph story of "The Ugly Duckling" from a KWO.
2. Correctly use new vocabulary words.



1. Identify and correct sentence fragments.
2. Identify simple sentences, compound parts, and complex sentences.

3. Correctly write a compound sentence.
4. Correct run-on sentences.



1. Increase reading comprehension and fluency.

2. Learn about the Wright Brothers and the invention of the airplane.

3. Engage in meaningful discussion.

4. Summarize a passage through oral narration.




1. Know that conflicts and alliances between the Balkan countries were a major factor leading to WW I.

2. Know that WW I started in 1914 after the assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand.

3. Look at the role of trenches and aircraft in WW I.

4. Know that Russia's economic collapse led to the Bolshevik Revolution, which forced the Czar out of power.




1. Research a variety of insect orders.

2. Share findings with classmates.

3. Summarize through oral and written narration.


Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.
Poetry: Our second quarter poem is "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Additional copies here.
Geography:  Western Europe assessment is Thursday, 11/21. The song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page. Students will be responsible for labeling countries on a map. A word bank is provided.
History: Key Dates for 2nd quarter:
1. The War Between the States                         1861-1865
2. World War I                                                     1914-1918
3. Lenin & the Russian Revolution                   1917
4. The Great Depression 1929-1939
5. World War II 1939-1945
6. The Cold War 1945-1991

Fortis Academy 4th Grade - Week 14 - November 12-18


4th Grade Week 14Tuesday
Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipDILIGENCE - "Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble." 2 Peter 1:10
BibleI Kings 2:1-3, 3:5-28; Select ProverbsEcc 3:1-10 & II Chron 7:11-22I Kings 12 & 17:1-24II Chron 20:1-30
MathFP-I, Ch 8, L3, TB p188-191, WB p176-177FP-I, Ch 8, L4 TB p192-195, WB p179-181Ch 8, L5 TB p196-200 WB p182-184Ch 8, L6 TB p201-203, WB p185-187Ch 8, L7 TB p204-206, WB p188-190Co-Teachers, please check WB exercises from the prior school day and help with corrections and ensure mastery.
SpellingStep 12: Review New Teaching, review phonograms, DS 4-6, Play Sparkle!Rewrite misspelled test words 5x, Review Card Box, DS 7-9. Review phonogramsStep 12 Spelling TestStep 13: New teaching, Dictate 10 words.DS 1-3 on paper titled "Step 13 Practice"
GrammarCh 12, L1: Introduce Pattern 2 Sentences, Jingle 16, Ref 38, Classify sentences & Complete activityCh 12, L2 Jingle, 16 Classify sentences & Oral Skill Builder Check (TM p206-207)Ch 12, L3 Editing SkillsComplete Grammar WS sent home. Due Tues.
WritingWriter's Conference & Work on FD of HCAReview Vocab words, Complete FD of HCA. Underline & label all dress-ups. Due Thurs. Stapled: Rubric, FD, RDIntroduce Writing from pictures. Read "The Ugly Duckling"Read p117 and create your original KWO on p118. Each "Central Fact" is like a topic sentence--it tells what is happening in the picture. Add details & Clincher for each picture. Due Tues.
ReadingDiscuss The Wright Brothers Ch 4 & 5Read Ch 6-7 and write answers to journal questions,DiscussionRead Ch 8-9 and write answers to journal questions.
HistoryThe Last Emperor of ChinaReread "The Last Emperor" p239-243 & write answers to questions in your journal.The Mexican Revolution & mapworkRead "The Balkan Mess" p231-236 & practice writing out key dates 1-6 (event & date)
GeographyWestern EuropeColor and label each country in Western EuropePracticeReview for next week's test
SciencePraying Mantids, Dragonflies, & DamselfliesRead TB p140-143 & orally narrate. Do Act. 7.7 TB p143 and write what you learned about order Orthoptera in journal p147.Order Orthoptera: Crickets, Grasshoppers & KatydidsRead TB p144-146 Do Activity 7.8
Memory WorkGEOGRAPHY: Western Europe Due 11/21
POEM 2, Due for Recitation on 12/5
KEY DATES: 1-6 Test on 12/10

Coming Soon!

Thursday, Nov. 14 - Spirit Day!
Thursday, Nov. 21 - DOGS, Spirit & Pizza Day!
Monday Nov. 25 - Friday Nov. 29 - Thanksgiving Break: NO SCHOOL 

Our virtue of the month is Diligence. Diligence is careful and persistent work or effort. It is the quality of being conscientious and dedicated. 

Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness is doing what is right and best for others in every circumstance.



Continue to start each day with a Facts Practice sheet. Set a timer for 5 minutes, circle the last problem completed, and have student complete the page. Correct & return to school. Email me if your student has complete mastery and you will no longer be turning them in.


1. Multiply a fraction by a whole number.

2. Simplify before multiplying a fraction and a whole number.

3. Find the fraction of a quantity.

4. Multiply a whole number by a fraction.

5. Multiply a whole number by a fraction where the product is greater than 1.



Objective: Spell words with the sound of /e/ spelled ei and more words with silent E.



Please bring your book to class each day.


1. Increase reading comprehension and fluency.

2. Learn about the Wright Brothers and the invention of the airplane.

3. Engage in meaningful discussion.

4. Summarize a passage through oral narration.




1. Introduce Pattern 2 sentences: SN, V-t, DO

2. Identify a direct object in a sentence.

3. Review editing.

4. Practice skills.




1. Practice the "Summarizing a Reference" structural model.

2. Write a polished 2-paragraph report on Hans Christian Anderson.

3. Introduce the "Writing from Pictures" structural unit.

4. Create a KWO for a 3-paragraph story.




1. See God's hand in the history of China.
2. Identify key figures in the Mexican Revolution.

3. Know that conflicts and alliances between the Balkan countries were a major factor leading to WW I.


Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.

Poetry: Our second quarter poem is "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Additional copies here.
Geography:  Western Europe test 11/21. The song and map can be found here on the main blog curricula/geography page. A word bank is provided, spelling and capitalization will be graded
History: Key Dates for 2nd quarter:
1. The War Between the States                         1861-1865
2. World War I                                                    1914-1918
3. Lenin & the Russian Revolution                   1917
4. The Great Depression 1929-1939
5. World War II 1939-1945
6. The Cold War 1945-1991